path Paramstypedescription
jsonbooleantrue to request information on the status of the last command sent
tzstringtz database time zone
body Paramstypedescription
commandstringcommand to send (apx-, syrus-apps-manager, linux shell, or special reserved commands, (see below)). Max length 1024 characters.
imeisstring[]array of IMEIs to send the command to
fileNamestringmd5 value of the file to upload (ex: 1cbf041e075b0c6589ec94e47e1189ae)
groupIdstringgroup ID response from the Get device info method
pathstringpath to upload the file to (ex: /data/users/syrus4g/)
userFileNamestringname of the file

Special commands

list-videos - query latest videos on the device

upload-file - uploads a file to a specified path on the device,

The upload-file command uploads the file to Syrus Cloud and then sends it to the device to a specified location. Once uploaded to Syrus Cloud you can view the file using the path

Important: commands will only be sent to devices that are in the same group as the first IMEI on the array list.

Launch this request from an HTTP request client such as Postman.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!