Syruslang signals, actions and fieldset list
Documentation page for the Syrus IoT Telematics Gateway
adas (serial) for MDAS9
Signals used for adas in serial mode.
Property | Use | Type | Description |
$adas.connected | Signal | Boolean | Connected state boolean [true,false] |
$adas.state | Signal | String | Connected state string [connected,disconnected] |
$adas.event | Signal | String | Event arrived as shown in signals [left_turn, ...] |
$adas.event_state | Signal | String | Event state [ready, recognized] |
$adas.speed | Signal | Number | Speed [km/h] |
$adas.rpm | Signal | Number | Motor revolutions per minute [rpm] |
$adas.left_distance | Signal | Number | Distance to objects on the left [cm] |
$adas.right_distance | Signal | Number | Distance to objects on the right [cm] |
$adas.time_to_collision | Signal | Number | Time to front collision [s] |
$adas.record | Signal | String | Recording state [on_with_audio, on_without_audio, disabled] |
$adas.ahead_distance | Signal | Number | Distance of object ahead |
$adas.ahead_speed | Signal | Number | Speed of object ahead |
$adas.slr_recognize | Signal | Number | Speed limit recognized |
$adas.slr_sensitivity | Signal | Number | Speed limit recognition sensitivity |
@adas.event | Signal | Boolean | Triggered when any ADAS event arrives |
@adas.left_lane_departure_warning | Signal | Boolean | Triggered when the vehicle passes the left lane |
@adas.right_lane_departure_warning | Signal | Boolean | Triggered when the vehicle passes the right lane |
@adas.safety_distance_alert | Signal | Boolean | Triggered when vehicle breaks the safety distance |
@adas.front_vehicle_start_alarm | Signal | Boolean | Triggered when the front vehicle starts to move |
@adas.front_proximity_warning | Signal | Boolean | Triggered when the vehicle slowly approaches to front car |
@adas.forward_collision_warning | Signal | Boolean | Triggered when the vehicle is close to a front collision |
@adas.pedestrian_collision_warning | Signal | Boolean | Triggered when a pedestrian is detected |
@adas.left_turn | Signal | Boolean | Triggered on left turn |
@adas.right_turn | Signal | Boolean | Triggered on right turn |
@adas.brake | Signal | Boolean | Triggered when brakes are pressed |
@adas.speed_limit_recognition | Signal | Boolean | Triggered when a recognized speed limit is exceeded |
@adas.camera_blocked | Signal | Boolean | Triggered when the camera is blocked |
@adas.low_visibility | Signal | Boolean | Triggered when low visibility is detected |
Accelerometer related information
property | use | type | description |
$accelerometer | fieldset | Object | json appends all accelerometer fields |
$accelerometer | fieldset | String | taip compatible field |
@accelerometer.backward_collision.signal | signal | Boolean | True when detected |
@accelerometer.cornering_left.signal | signal | Boolean | True when detected |
@accelerometer.cornering_right.signal | signal | Boolean | True when detected |
@accelerometer.forward_collision.signal | signal | Boolean | True when detected |
@accelerometer.hard_braking.signal | signal | Boolean | True when detected |
@accelerometer.harsh_fwd_acceleration.signal | signal | Boolean | True when detected |
@accelerometer.lat_collision_from_left.signal | signal | Boolean | True when detected |
@accelerometer.lat_collision_from_right.signal | signal | Boolean | True when detected |
@accelerometer.motion.signal | signal | Boolean | True when detected |
$accelerometer.backward_collision.time | fieldset | String | Time of event |
$accelerometer.backward_collision.value | fieldset, signal | Number | Acceleration force in milli-g |
$accelerometer.cornering_left.time | fieldset | String | Time of event |
$accelerometer.cornering_left.value | fieldset, signal | Number | Acceleration force in milli-g |
$accelerometer.cornering_right.time | fieldset | String | Time of event |
$accelerometer.cornering_right.value | fieldset, signal | Number | Acceleration force in milli-g |
$accelerometer.forward_collision.time | fieldset | String | Time of event |
$accelerometer.forward_collision.value | fieldset, signal | Number | Acceleration force in milli-g |
$accelerometer.hard_braking.time | fieldset | String | Time of event |
$accelerometer.hard_braking.value | fieldset, signal | Number | Acceleration force in milli-g |
$accelerometer.harsh_fwd_acceleration.time | fieldset | String | Time of event |
$accelerometer.harsh_fwd_acceleration.value | fieldset, signal | Number | Acceleration force in milli-g |
$accelerometer.lat_collision_from_left.time | fieldset | String | Time of event |
$accelerometer.lat_collision_from_left.value | fieldset, signal | Number | Acceleration force in milli-g |
$accelerometer.lat_collision_from_right.time | fieldset | String | Time of event |
$accelerometer.lat_collision_from_right.value | fieldset, signal | Number | Acceleration force in milli-g |
$accelerometer.motion | fieldset, signal | Boolean | Appends the motion state |
$accelerometer.time | fieldset, signal | Boolean | Time of motion event |
$accelerometer.value | fieldset, signal | Number | Acceleration force in milli-g |
$accelerometer.value | state | Show the last value of accelerometer in mill | |
set accelerometer self_alignment | action | Executes the self alignment |
Actions related info.
property | use | description |
trigger action action_name | action | Force the execution of an action |
adas (ecu)
ADAS accessory related info, configured via the ecu monitor.
property | use | type | description |
$ecu.adas_speed | signal | Number | Speed detected by adas accessory in km/h |
$ecu.brakes_enabled | signal | Boolean | True if brakes detected |
$ecu.distance_from_front_vehicle | signal | Number | Distance from front vehicle in meters |
$ecu.failsafe | signal | Boolean | True if adas triggers one of the internal FailSafe modes, more info |
$ecu.forward_collision_warning | signal | Boolean | True if forward collision warning detected |
$ecu.headway_measurement | signal | Number | Headway measurement. Unit 0.1s. Range (0 - 9.9s) |
$ecu.headway_valid | signal | Boolean | True when CIPV (close in path vehicle) is detected |
$ecu.headway_warning_level | signal | Number | Headway warning level, more info |
$ecu.headway_warning_repeatable_enabled | signal | Boolean | True when Headway Warning repeatable feature is ON |
$ecu.high_beam_signal | signal | Boolean | True if high beam signal detected |
$ecu.lane_departure_warning_disabled | signal | Boolean | True if lane departure warning is disabled |
$ecu.left_lane_departure_warning | signal | Boolean | True if left lane departure warning detected |
$ecu.left_signal | signal | Boolean | True if left signal is detected |
$ecu.low_beam_signal | signal | Boolean | True if low beam signal detected |
$ecu.maintenance | signal | Boolean | True if adas accessory is maintenance mode |
$ecu.pedestrian_danger_zone | signal | Boolean | True if pedestrian in danger zone is detected |
$ecu.pedestrian_forward_collision_warning | signal | Boolean | True if pedestrian forward collision warning is detected |
$ecu.relative_speed_from_front_vehicle | signal | Boolean | True if relative speed from front vehicle is detected |
$ecu.right_lane_departure_warning | signal | Boolean | True if right lane departure warning is detected |
$ecu.right_signal | signal | Boolean | True if right signal is detected |
$ecu.sound_type | signal | Number | Sound type, more info |
$ecu.speed_available | signal | Boolean | True if speed is available |
$ecu.speed_limit_recognition_sensitivity | signal | Number | Speed limit recognition sensitivity |
$ecu.speed_limit_recognition_state | signal | Number | Speed limit recognition state |
$ecu.speed_limit_recognition_value | signal | Number | Speed limit recognition value |
$ecu.tamper_alert | signal | Boolean | True if a tamper alert is detected (fired when camera is blocked) |
$ecu.time_indicator | signal | Number | Time indicator, more info |
$ecu.traffic_signs_recognition_enabled | signal | Boolean | True when traffic signal recognition feature is on |
$ecu.traffic_signs_recognition_warning_level | signal | Number | Traffic signs recognition warning level, more info |
$ecu.wipers_signal | signal | Boolean | True when a wiper passes the windshield, 0 if wipers are static |
$ecu.zero_speed | signal | Boolean | True if zero speed is detected (vehicle is stopped) |
Blackbox functionality allows you to save data to a file.
property | use | description |
@logs.event | signal | Triggered when any log event is detected. |
$ | signal fieldset | Stores log rotation name for apx-logrotate |
$logs.path | signal fieldset | Stores log file path |
$logs.used | signal fieldset | Stores media used memory |
$logs.available | signal fieldset | Stores media available memory |
$logs.size | signal fieldset | Stores media total size |
$logs.percentage | signal fieldset | Stores media memory usage in percentage |
$logs.period | signal fieldset | Stores the rotation period configuration (daily, weekly, monthly) |
$logs.rotate | signal fieldset | Stores the total log files stored before rotation (ex. 5 days) |
Device internal battery information.
property | use | type | description |
$battery | fieldset | Object | json appends all battery fields |
$battery | fieldset | String | taip compatible field |
$battery.connected | fieldset,signal | Boolean | Internal battery state |
@battery.connected | signal | Boolean | True when the battery is connected |
@battery.disconnected | signal | Boolean | True when the battery is disconnected |
@battery.critical | signal | Number | Battery <= 10% |
@battery.low | signal | Number | Battery <= 20% |
@battery.full | signal | Number | Battery = 100% |
$ | fieldset,signal | Number | Internal battery voltage in milliVolts |
$battery.level | fieldset,signal | Number | Internal battery level (%) |
$battery.voltage | fieldset,signal | Number | Internal battery voltage |
Bluetooth functionality. To speak via the bluetooth check out the modem speak action.
property | use | description |
bluetooth connect 'AABBCCDDEEFF' | action | Connect to bluetooth device |
bluetooth disconnect 'AABBCCDDEEFF' | action | Disconnect from bluetooth device |
bluetooth pair 'AABBCCDDEEFF' | action | Pair to a bluetooth device |
bluetooth pairforced '_AABBCCDDEEFF' | action | Force pairing |
bluetooth reset 'AABBCCDDEEFF' | action | 🛑 Resets bluetooth paired devices |
bluetooth restart 'AABBCCDDEEFF' | action | Restart bluetooth |
bluetooth scan seconds | action | Replace with amount of seconds |
bluetooth switchaudio '_AABBCCDDEEFF' | action | Switch main audio |
bluetooth unpair 'AABBCCDDEEFF' | action | Unpair from bluetooth device |
@bluetooth.button.call_2x | signal | Bluetooth call button pressed 2 times |
@bluetooth.button.volume_up | signal | Bluetooth volume up |
@bluetooth.button.volume_down | signal | Bluetooth volume down |
@bluetooth.button.mute | signal | Bluetooth mute button pressed |
bluetooth sensor (ble)
Bluetooth low energy that can communicate with sensors and tags.
property | use | type | description | |
@ble.event | signal | Triggered at any ble event | ||
@ble. (MAC or ALIAS).temperature.change | signal | Triggered when a change in temperature is detected | ||
@ble. (MAC or ALIAS).mac | fieldset, signal | String | Device mac address | |
@ble. (MAC or ALIAS).name | fieldset, signal | String | Advertised name | |
@ble. (MAC or ALIAS).alias | fieldset, signal | String | Assigned alias | |
@ble. (MAC or ALIAS).timestamp | fieldset, signal | Number | Scanned time | |
@ble. (MAC or ALIAS).temperature | fieldset, signal | Number | Reported temperature value in degrees celsius | |
@ble. (MAC or ALIAS).humidity | fieldset, signal | Number | Reported humidity value in percentage | |
@ble. (MAC or ALIAS).movement | fieldset, signal | Number | Reported number of movements detected | |
$ble. (MAC or ALIAS).rpm | state | String | The rpm value [revolutions per minute] | |
@ble. (MAC or ALIAS).battery | state | String | The battery value [%] | |
$ble | fieldset | Object | Json appends all battery fields ($ble.BlazonDRS.rpm ,$ble.BlazonDRS.temperature ,$ble.BlazonDRS.battery ) | |
$ble.ALIAS.degree_x | state | Number | Degrees of inclination in plane X [-90 | +90] |
$ble.ALIAS.degree_y | state | Number | Degrees of inclination in plane Y [-90 | +90] |
$ble.ALIAS.battery | state | Number | Battery percentage [%] | |
$ble.ALIAS.erpm | state | Number | The rpm value [revolutions per minute] | |
$ble.ALIAS.voltage | state | Number | The vehicle battery voltage [mV] | |
$ble.ALIAS.temperature | state | Number | The temperature value [°C] |
Device counters information.
property | use | type | description |
$counters | fieldset | Object | json appends all counter fields |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Total distance traveled with ignition ON (meters) |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Total ignition time (seconds) |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Total time spent in idling (seconds) |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Total time spent over speed (seconds) |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Total time spent over RPMs (seconds) |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Total amount of hard brake events (count) |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Total amount of harsh forward acceleration events (count) |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Stores number of times a signal becomes true |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Stores the total time a signal stays true, stops counting when false |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Stores the time passed while a signal is true, reset count when false |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Stores the total distance traveled while a signal is true, stops counting when false |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Stores the distance traveled while a signal is true, reset count when false |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number | Stores the counter state (true when counting) |
define counters name | action | Create a counter definition | |
start counters name | action | Start/enable the counting function and listen for change in the selected signals | |
stop counters name | action | Stop/disable the counting function, any change in the signals will be ignored | |
reset counters name | action | Reset/restart the states values, like total_count, total_time, etc. | |
get counters name | action | Get a counter definition | |
set counters name field=value | action | Set counter threshold |
Destinations related actions.
property | use | description |
enable destination destination_name | action | Enable the destination |
disable destination destination_name | action | Disable the destination |
Engine Control Unit related information. For more info visit: Engine Control Unit (ECU).
property | Use | type | description | |
$ecu | fieldset | Object | json appends all valid ecu parameters | |
$ecu | fieldset | String | taip compatible fieldset | |
$ | fieldset, signal | Multiple | id refers to the specific pgn + start_position | |
$ecu.param_name | fieldset, signal | Multiple | param_name refers to the parameters listed in the SDK ECU.d directory files | |
$ecu.error_codes.spn | fieldset, signal | Number | ECU diagnostic trouble code SPN number. More info | |
$ecu.error_codes.fmi | fieldset, signal | Number | ECU diagnostic trouble code FMI number. More info | |
@ecu_warning.disconnected | signal | Boolean | True when disconnected ecu warning is detected (CAN1 and CAN2) | |
@ecu_warning.can1.disconnected | signal | Boolean | True when disconnected ecu warning is detected (CAN1) | |
@ecu.ignition_on | signal | Boolean | Triggers when ecu detected / Ignition on | |
@ecu.ignition_off | signal | Boolean | Triggers when ecu not detected / Ignition off (Max 20 sec without data) | |
$ecu.ignition | state | Boolean | State of the ecu ignition | |
$ecu.ignition_detection | state | Boolean | True when ecu ignition detection |
Events related actions.
property | use | description |
send event event_name | action | Generate an event to the defined destinations |
fire signal signal_name | action | Simulate a signal |
event_name | signal | An event name can be used as a signal, it will be true when the event's trigger conditions are met |
Fatigue sensor accessory related information. Note that the fatigue sensor information can come from either the CAN bus or Serial (RS-232) cables.
property | use | type | description |
$fatigue_sensor | fieldset | Object | Akmppends relevant fatigue_sensor information to the payload |
@serial.fatigue_sensor.SIGNAL | signal | Boolean | Serial fatigue sensor specific signals |
@fatigue_sensor.fatigue_remind | signal | Boolean | True when a fatigue reminder was detected |
@fatigue_sensor.fatigue_warning | signal | Boolean | True when yawning or a fatigue warning was detected |
@fatigue_sensor.fatigue_alarm | signal | Boolean | True when drowsiness or fatigue alert was detected |
@fatigue_sensor.no_portrait | signal | Boolean | True when no driver is detected |
@fatigue_sensor.distraction | signal | Boolean | True when the driver is distracted | | signal | Boolean | True when a driver is on their phone |
@fatigue_sensor.smoking | signal | Boolean | True when a driver is smoking |
@fatigue_sensor.seatbelt_off | signal | Boolean | True when a driver is driving without the seatbelt |
@fatigue_sensor.camera_blocked | signal | Boolean | True when the fatigue sensor's camera is blocked | | signal | Boolean | True when a photo was captured manually |
@fatigue_sensor.signal | signal | Boolean | True when any fatigue sensor event is triggered |
@fatigue_sensor.disconnected | signal | Boolean | Triggers when sensor disconnected |
$fatigue_sensor.connected | signal fieldset | Boolean | True if fatigue sensor is connected |
$fatigue_sensor.state | signal fieldset | String | "connected" or "disconnected" |
$fatigue_sensor.sensitivity | signal fieldset | Number | Sensitivity of the fatigue sensor |
$fatigue_sensor.speaker_volume | signal fieldset | Number | Volume of the fatigue sensor |
$fatigue_sensor.min_speed | signal fieldset | Number | Minimum speed to trigger fatigue sensor alerts |
$fatigue_sensor.speeding | signal fieldset | Number | Speeding threshold |
$fatigue_sensor.max_photos | signal fieldset | Number | Total number of photos that can be captured |
$fatigue_sensor.nbr_photos | signal fieldset | Number | Number of photos captured |
$fatigue_sensor.latest_photo | signal fieldset | Number | Latest photo |
$ecu.distraction | signal fieldset | Boolean | True when the driver is distracted |
$ecu.yawning | signal fieldset | Boolean | True if the driver is yawning |
$ecu.drowsiness | signal fieldset | Boolean | True when drowsiness was detected |
$ | signal fieldset | Boolean | True if the driver is on their phone |
$ecu.smoking | signal fieldset | Boolean | True when smoking was detected by the driver |
$ecu.driver_absence | signal fieldset | Boolean | True when there's no driver present |
$ecu.camera_blocked | signal fieldset | Boolean | True if the camera is blocked |
$ecu.camera_error | signal fieldset | Boolean | True when a camera error was detected |
$ecu.zero_speed | signal fieldset | Boolean | True when the vehicle is parked |
$ecu.error_valid | signal fieldset | Boolean | True when an error was detected by the fatigue sensor |
$ecu.tamper_alert | signal fieldset | Boolean | True if tampering is detected by the fatigue sensor |
capture fatigue_sensor photo | action | Captures a photo with the fatigue sensor camera | |
upload fatigue_sensor photos | action | Manually upload all photos to an ftp destination | |
set fatigue_sensor sensitivity | action | Change sensitivity (Range: 2-11) | |
set fatigue_sensor speaker_volume | action | Change the speaker volume (Range: 0-2) | |
set fatigue_sensor minimum_speed | action | Change the minimum speed to trigger fatigue alerts (Range: 10-60)kph | |
set fatigue_sensor speeding_alarm | action | Change the speeding alarm (Range: 0-255)kph | |
set fatigue_sensor buffer_size | action | Change the max photos that can be captured (Range: 10-100) | |
set fatigue_sensor autoupload | action | Manage the auto upload of photos to the DCT ftp directory, default is 0 | |
clear fatigue_sensor buffer | action | Deletes all photos in the fatigue_sensor directory |
fuel sensor (Technoton)
Fuel sensor related information
property | use | type | description |
$fuel | fieldset | String | json and taip compatible fieldset. Appends all fuel sensor fields or ;FF tag for TAIP |
@fuel.event | signal | Boolean | Triggered when any fuel event is detected |
@fuel.state | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a state arrives |
@fuel.fueling | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a fueling notification arrives |
@fuel.warning | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a discharge warning notification arrives |
@fuel.connected | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a transition from disconnected to connected is detected |
@fuel.disconnected | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a transition from connected to disconnected is detected |
$fuel.connected | fieldset, signal | Boolean | Stores the last connected state |
$fuel.level | fieldset, signal | Number | Stores the last fuel level (value is in deci-liters) |
$fuel.temperature | fieldset, signal | Number | Stores the last temperature level |
$fuel.frequency | fieldset, signal | Number | Stores the last frequency |
$fuel.timestamp | fieldset, signal | Number | Stores the last notification timestamp |
$fuel.event | fieldset, signal | String | Stores the last event |
$fuel.alias.connected | state | Boolean | Stores the last connected state of tank named alias |
$fuel.alias.level | state | Number | Stores the last fuel level of tank named alias |
$fuel.alias.temperature | state | Number | Stores the last temperature level of tank named alias |
$fuel.alias.frequency | state | Number | Stores the last frequency of tank named alias |
$fuel.alias.timestamp | state | Number | Stores the last notification timestamp of tank named alias |
$fuel.alias.event | state | String | Stores the last event of tank named alias |
@fuel.alias.state | signal | Boolean | Triggered when any fuel signal is detected |
@fuel.alias.fueling | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a state arrives |
@fuel.alias.warning | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a discharge warning notification arrives |
@fuel.alias.fueling | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a fueling notification arrives |
@fuel.alias.connected | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a transition from disconnected to connected is detected |
@fuel.alias.disconnected | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a transition from connected to disconnected is detected |
Geofences related information
property | use | type | description |
$geofences._name_.inside | fieldset, signal | Boolean | Inside <name> |
$geofences._name_.time | fieldset, signal | Number | Time when device entered <name> |
$geofences.$groups._group_name_.inside | signal | Boolean | Inside any fence in <group_name> | | fieldset | String | Last geofence name |
@last_geofence.state | fieldset | String | inside, outside |
@last_geofence.time | fieldset | Number | Time of last geofence | | signal | Speed limit in the geofence | |
@geofences.GROUP_NAME.*.*.speeding | signal | Triggers when vehicle exceeds the speed limit inside any geofence in the GROUP_NAME group | |
@geofences.*.*.ALIAS.speeding | signal | Triggers when vehicle exceeds the speed limit inside any geofence with limit named SPEED_ALIAS | |
@geofences.*.GEONAME.*.speeding | signal | Triggers when vehicle exceeds the speed limit inside any geofence named GEONAME | |
@geofences.*.*.*.speeding | signal | Triggers when vehicle exceeds any speed limit | |
$geospeed.warning | state | Boolean | Speed in geofence warning [true or false] If false when: -The speed decreased -The vehicle is outside the geofence -The GPS connection is lost -Change of direction/ turn *(optional, depending on the configuration parameters) |
$geospeed.epoch | state | Timestamp of speeding event in seconds | |
$geospeed.type | state | Type of warning [speeding] | |
$geospeed.state | state | Current state [in_progress, finished_by_speed ,finished_by_geofence, finished_by_gps] | |
$geospeed.namespace | state | Namespace of geofence definitions | |
$ | state | Geofence group | |
$ | state | Defined name of geofence | |
$geospeed.elapsed_time | state | Elapsed time speeding inside the geofence | |
$geospeed.elapsed_distance | state | Elapsed distance speeding inside the geofence | |
$geospeed.threshold_alias | state | Defined Alias for the speed limit | |
$geospeed.threshold_min_heading | state | Defined minimum degree heading | |
$geospeed.threshold_max_heading | state | Defined maximum degree heading | |
$geospeed.threshold_speed | state | Defined speed threshold | |
$geospeed.start_speed | state | Speed at start of speed limit | |
$geospeed.start_heading | state | Heading at start of speed limit | |
$geospeed.start_lon | state | Longitude coordinate at start of speed limit | |
$geospeed.start_lat | state | Latitude coordinate at start of speed limit | |
$geospeed.end_speed | state | Finishing speed [m/s] | |
$geospeed.end_heading | state | Finishing heading [degrees] | |
$geospeed.end_lon | state | Finishing longitude | |
$geospeed.end_lat | state | Finishing latitude | |
$geospeed.max_speed | state | Maximum speed inside reached | |
$geospeed.max_heading | state | Heading at the maximum speed | |
$geospeed.max_lon | state | Longitude coordinate at maximum speed | |
$geospeed.max_lat | state | Latitude coordinate at maximum speed |
GNSS position information
property | use | type | description |
$gnss | fieldset | Object | json appends all gnss fields |
$gnss | fieldset | String | taip compatible fieldset |
$gnss.accuracy | fieldset, signal | Number | Position accuracy in meters |
$gnss.acceleration.event | fieldset, signal | String | Triggered whenever an acceleration event by the GNSS is detected, (this is defined in the tracking_resolution) |
$gnss.acceleration.reason | fieldset, signal | String | positive_acc or negative_acc depending on the acceleration that was fired by the GNSS, (this is defined in the tracking_resolution) |
$gnss.acceleration.value | fieldset, signal | Number | Acceleration value (can be positive or negative) in km/h/s (kilometer per hour per second), (this is defined in the tracking_resolution) |
$gnss.acceleration.mphs | fieldset, signal | Number | Acceleration value (can be positive or negative) in m/h/s (miles per hour per second) |
$gnss.altitude | fieldset, signal | Number | Altitude AMSL |
$gnss.altitude_accuracy | fieldset, signal | Number | Altitude accuracy |
$gnss.bearing | fieldset, signal | Number | Relative bearing to a base station |
$gnss.criteria | fieldset, signal | String | GNSS criteria |
$gnss.fix | fieldset, signal | Number | 1: no fix 2: 2D fix 3: 3D fix |
$gnss.hdop | fieldset, signal | Number | Horizontal DOP |
$gnss.heading | fieldset, signal | Number | Heading 0°N, 90°E, ... |
$gnss.kph | fieldset, signal | Number | Speed in kph (float) |
$gnss.latitude | fieldset, signal | Number | WGS84 Latitude |
$gnss.longitude | fieldset, signal | Number | WGS84 Longitude |
$gnss.mph | fieldset, signal | Number | Speed in mph (float) |
$gnss.pdop | fieldset, signal | Number | Position DOP |
$gnss.sats_active | fieldset, signal | Number | Satellites used |
$gnss.speed | fieldset, signal | Number | Speed value in m/s (float) |
$gnss.timestamp | fieldset, signal | Number | Epoch gps timestamp |
$gnss.vdop | fieldset, signal | Number | Vertical DOP |
$kph | fieldset, signal | Number | Speed in kph (integer) |
$mph | fieldset, signal | Number | Speed in mph (integer) |
$speed | fieldset, signal | Number | Speed value in m/s (integer) |
$timestamp | fieldset | String | dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:hh A format |
$ | fieldset | String | dddd, D de MMMM de YYYY HH:hh format |
$ | fieldset | String | dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:hh format |
$ | fieldset | String | dddd, D de MMMM de YYYY HH:hh format |
set gnss hot-start | action | Executes a gps hot start | |
set gnss warm-start | action | Executes a gps warm start | |
set gnss cold-start | action | Executes a gps cold start |
IButton component, note that a total of 500 onewire devices can be created (between ibutton and temperature sensors)
property | Use | type | description |
$ibutton | fieldset | Object | json appends all ibutton fields |
IB:$ | fieldset | String | taip connected ibutton id |
IS:$ | fieldset | String | taip last connected ibutton id |
$ibutton.authorized.connected.alias | fieldset, signal | String | Alias of authorized ibutton |
$ibutton.authorized.connected.connected | fieldset, signal | Boolean | Authorized ibutton connected |
$ | fieldset, signal | String | ID of the authorized ibutton |
$ibutton.authorized.connected.conn_epoch | fieldset, signal | Number | Epoch of when it was connected |
$ibutton.authorized.last.alias | fieldset, signal | String | Alias of last authorized ibutton |
$ | fieldset, signal | String | Current ID of the last authorized ibutton |
$ibutton.authorized.last.conn_epoch | fieldset, signal | Number | Epoch of last authorized ibutton connection |
$ibutton.authorized.last.disc_epoch | fieldset, signal | Number | Epoch of last authorized ibutton disconnection |
$ibutton.connected.alias | fieldset, signal | String | Alias of connected ibutton |
$ibutton.connected.connected | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True if any ibutton is currently detected |
$ | fieldset, signal | String | ID of the connected ibutton |
$ibutton.connected.whitelisted | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True while the ibutton connected is authorized |
$ibutton.connected.conn_epoch | fieldset, signal | Number | Epoch of ibutton connection |
$ibutton.last.alias | fieldset, signal | String | Alias of last connected ibutton |
$ibutton.last.connected | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True if ibutton is connected |
$ | fieldset, signal | String | ID of last connected ibutton |
$ibutton.last.whitelisted | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True if last ibutton is authorized |
$ibutton.last.conn_epoch | fieldset, signal | Number | Epoch of last ibutton connection |
$ibutton.last.disc_epoch | fieldset, signal | Number | Epoch of last ibutton disconnection |
add ibutton alias_name id | action | add ibutton to authorized list | |
remove ibutton alias_name | action | remove ibutton from authorized list by alias_name | |
remove ibutton id | action | remove ibutton from authorized list by id | |
remove ibuttons | action | 🛑 remove all ibuttons from authorized list | |
clear ibutton | action | clears the last ibutton read | |
get ibutton alias_name | action | get ibutton by alias_name | |
get ibutton id | action | get ibutton by id | |
get ibuttons | action | get list of ibutton defined |
Inertial measurement unit manager for the device's accelerometer and gyroscope. Allows you to calibrate the accelerometer and set its event thresholds.
property | use | type | description |
@imu.event | signal | Boolean | Triggered when any accelerometer event arrives |
@imu.periodic | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a specific event arrives |
$imu.motion | state | Boolean | Movement of the vehicle detected |
$imu.value | state | Number | Magnitude of movement RMS |
$imu.event | state | String | The detected ever [hard_braking , periodic ,...] |
$imu.x | state | Number | X-axis raw acceleration value |
$imu.y | state | Number | Y-axis raw acceleration value |
$imu.z | state | Number | Z-axis raw acceleration value |
$imu | fieldset | String | json appends all imu fields |
Inputs/Outputs component
property | Use | type | description |
$io | fieldset | Object | json appends all io fields |
$io | fieldset | String | taip compatible fieldset |
$ad | fieldset | Number | taip compatible fieldset |
$io.an1 | fieldset, signal | Number | Analog input channel 1 (range: 0-28000mV) |
$io.an2 | fieldset, signal | Number | Analog input channel 2 (range: 0-28000mV) |
$io.dan | fieldset, signal | Number | Differential analog values (range: 0-10000mV) |
$io.ign | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when the state of the ignition is ON |
$io.in1 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when input 1 is ON |
$io.in2 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when input 2 is ON |
$io.in3 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when input 3 is ON |
$io.in4 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when input 4 is ON |
$io.in5 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when input 5 is ON |
$io.in6 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when input 6 is ON |
$io.in7 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when input 7 is ON |
$io.out1 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when output 1 is ON |
$io.out2 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when output 2 is ON |
$io.out3 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when output 3 is ON |
$io.out4 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when output 4 is ON |
$io.pwr | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when external power is ON |
$io.so1 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when a short circuit on output 1 is detected |
$io.so2 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when a short circuit on output 2 is detected |
$io.so3 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when a short circuit on output 3 is detected |
$io.so4 | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when a short circuit on output 4 is detected |
$io.tig | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when ignition detected from power |
$safe_immo | variable, signal | Boolean | True when Pegasus sends safe immobilization (SECO) command to device (more information here) |
set out# on | action | activate output # | |
set out# off | action | deactivate output # |
io pulse counter
property | use | type | description |
@pulse.event | signal | Boolean | Triggered when any pulse event arrives |
$pulse.count | state | Number | The pulse count |
$pulse.value | state | Number | The pulse value |
$pulse | fieldset | Object | Fieldset key name |
io expander
IO Expander for extended inputs and outputs
property | use | type | description |
@iox.event | signal | Boolean | Triggered when any IO Expander event arrives |
@iox.connected | signal | Boolean | Triggered when an IO expander is connected |
$iox.state | state | String | State of IO Expander [connected or disconnected] |
$iox.connected | state | Boolean | State of connected |
$ | state | String | Onewire identification [1b0000160f183929] |
$iox.alias | state | String | Assigned alias string [iosexpander] |
$iox.epoch | state | Number | Last connected state epoch [1710169042] |
$iox.in1 - $iox.in4 | state | Boolean | Input state |
$iox.out1 - $iox.out4 | state | Boolean | Output state |
$iox | fieldset | Fieldset key name |
RS-232 Mobile Data Terminal info
property | use | type | description | ||
$mdt | fieldset | Object | json appends mdt information | ||
$mdt.message | fieldset | String | taip appends MDT message information to taip string (ascii or hex) | ||
@mdt.message | signal | String | True whenever an incoming message is received via MDT mode | ||
@serial.event | signal | Boolean | Triggered when any data arrives to serial port | ||
@serial.message | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a message arrives in console mode | ||
$serial.mode | signal state | String | The serial mode [ mdt | modem | console ] |
$serial.message | signal state | String | The last arrived console message in string | ||
set mdt | action | Set MDT settings | |||
send mdt message | action | Send MDT message |
Modem information.
property | use | type | description |
$modem | fieldset | Object | json appends all modem fields |
$modem | fieldset | String | taip compatible fieldset (includes ;SC tag) |
@modem.call_started | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a voice call starts |
@modem.call_ended | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a voice call ends |
$ | fieldset, signal | String | LTE band |
$modem.cid | fieldset, signal | String | Cell ID in hex format |
$modem.esim_id | fieldset, signal | String | Embedded sim ID |
$modem.esim_imsi | fieldset, signal | String | Embedded sim IMSI |
$modem.esim_state | fieldset, signal | String | Embedded sim card state READY Not in Use |
$modem.gprs_reg | fieldset, signal | Number | GPRS registration status |
$modem.gsm_reg | fieldset, signal | Number | GSM registration status: 0 - Not registered and not searching, 1 - Registered to Home Network, 2 - Not registered but device is searching, 3 - Registration denied, 4 - Out of range, 5 - Registered, roaming |
$modem.imei | fieldset, signal | Number | Unique numeric identifier |
$modem.ip | fieldset, signal | String | IP address assigned by operator |
@modem.connected | signal | Boolean | Triggers when the modem is connected (with internet) [true] |
@modem.disconnected | signal | Boolean | Triggers when the modem is disconnected (without internet) [true] |
$modem.connected | state | Boolean | State of the modem connection (it has internet) [true|false] |
@modem.jamming_detected | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a jamming condition is detected |
@modem.jamming_persistence | signal | Boolean | Triggered when the jamming condition persist for one minute |
@modem.jamming_ended | signal | Boolean | Triggered when jamming action stops |
$modem.state | fieldset, signal | String | The jamming state JAMMED NOT_JAMMING |
$modem.jamming_detected | fieldset, signal | Boolean | The jamming state |
$modem.jamming_persistence | fieldset, signal | Boolean | The persistence flag state |
$modem.jamming_ended | fieldset, signal | Boolean | The ended flag state |
$modem.lac | fieldset, signal | Number | Location area code |
$modem.manufacturer | fieldset, signal | String | Modem's manufacturer |
$modem.mcc_mnc | fieldset, signal | Number | Mobile Country and Network Code |
$modem.model | fieldset, signal | String | Model of modem |
$modem.modem_state | fieldset, signal | String | State of the modem ("ON", "OFF") |
$modem.no_conn_time | fieldset, signal | String | Time spent with no connection in seconds, note that this is exclusively for the modem, so the device could be connected via ethernet/wifi and not LTE. Use the latest Apex version in case you're having false positives with this signal |
$modem.operator | fieldset, signal | String | Network operator |
$modem.rat | fieldset, signal | String | Radio Access Technology, depending on the device model it's one of the following strings: Syrus 4G LTE "NONE" "CDMA1X" "CDMA 1X AND HDR" "CDMA 1X AND EHRPD" "HDR" "HDR-EHRPD" "GSM" "GPRS" "EDGE" "WCDMA" "HSDPA" "HSUPA" "HSPA+" "TDSCDMA" "TDD LTE" "FDD LTE" Syrus 4G Lite CATM1 "No Service" "GSM" "GPRS" "EDGE" "eMTC" "NBIOT" Syrus 4G Lite CAT1 "No Service" "GSM" "GPRS" "TDD LTE" "FDD LTE" |
$modem.revision | fieldset, signal | String | Modem's revision |
$modem.rssi | fieldset, signal | Number | Received Signal Strength Indicator (0-32) |
$modem.sim_id | fieldset, signal | Number | External sim ID |
$modem.sim_imsi | fieldset, signal | Number | External sim IMSI |
$modem.sim_state | fieldset, signal | Number | External sim State ("READY", "Not in Use") |
@modem.sim_inserted | signal | Triggered when sim inserted | |
@modem.sim_removed | signal | Triggered when sim removed | |
@modem.sim_inserted | state | Boolean | True if the sim card is present. False if the sim is removed. |
$modem.temperature | fieldset, signal | Number | Modem's temperature (generally higher than ambient temperature |
$ | fieldset, signal | String | The last calling number ["9999123456"] |
$modem.voice_call.state | fieldset, signal | Boolean | If there is a call in progress [true |false] |
set airplane_mode true | action | Set to true to enable airplane_mode | |
set sim_switch_interval 8 | action | Time interval in hours to wait to switch from external to internal sim card | |
start call +1234567890 | action | Start a phone call | |
end call | action | End a phone call | |
send sms 3013333333 'testing sms' | action | Send an SMS message to 3013333333 | |
add phone +1234567890 | action | Add phone +1234567890 to phonebook | |
remove phone +1234567890 | action | Remove phone +1234567890 from phonebook | |
set call_validation true | action | Enable call validation from phonebook | |
set sms_validation true | action | Enable call validation from phonebook | |
speak lang=en 'hello world' | action | Speak via the bluetooth |
Cellular interface
property | use | type | description |
$net_cell.connected | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True when connected |
$net_cell.iccid | fieldset, signal | Number | SIM card ICCID |
$net_cell.imei | fieldset, signal | Number | Device unique IMEI number |
$net_cell.imsi | fieldset, signal | Number | SIM card IMSI |
$net_cell.ip_address | fieldset, signal | String | IP assigned by MNO |
$net_cell.mcc | fieldset, signal | Number | Mobile country code |
$net_cell.mnc | fieldset, signal | Number | Mobile network code |
$net_cell.operator | fieldset, signal | String | Network operator |
$net_cell.rx_bytes | fieldset, signal | Number | Bytes received |
$net_cell.tx_bytes | fieldset, signal | Number | Bytes transmitted |
Ethernet interface
property | use | type | description |
$net_eth.connected | fieldset, signal | Boolean | Ethernet connected |
$net_eth.ip_address | fieldset, signal | String | IP address |
$net_eth.rx_bytes | fieldset, signal | Number | Bytes received |
$net_eth.tx_bytes | fieldset, signal | Number | Bytes transmitted |
enable ethernet | action | Enables the ethernet interface | |
disable ethernet | action | Disables the ethernet interface |
Wifi interface
property | use | type | description |
$net_wifi.connected | fieldset, signal | Boolean | WiFi connected |
$net_wifi.ip_address | fieldset, signal | String | IP address |
$net_wifi.key_mgmt | fieldset, signal | String | Key management protocol |
$net_wifi.mac | fieldset, signal | String | WiFi MAC address |
$net_wifi.rx_bytes | fieldset, signal | Number | Bytes received |
$net_wifi.signal | fieldset, signal | Number | Signal strength in dbm |
$net_wifi.ssid | fieldset, signal | String | SSID name |
$net_wifi.state | fieldset, signal | String | Wifi connection Completed Disabled Interface_disabled - when hotspot is on |
$net_wifi.tx_bytes | fieldset, signal | Number | Bytes transmitted |
enable wifi | action | Enables the wifi interface | |
disable wifi | action | Disables the wifi interface | |
restart wifi | action | Restarts the wifi interface |
net_wlan1 (hotspot)
Hotspot interface
property | use | type | description |
$net_wlan1.connected | fieldset, signal | Boolean | Hotspot connected |
$net_wlan1.ip_address | fieldset, signal | String | IP address |
$net_wlan1.rx_bytes | fieldset, signal | Number | Bytes received |
$net_wlan1.tx_bytes | fieldset, signal | Number | Bytes transmitted |
enable hotspot | action | Enables the hotspot | |
disable hotspot | action | Disables the hotspot | |
@hotspot.started | signal | Boolean | Transient signal |
@hotspot.stopped | signal | Boolean | Transient signal |
$ | state | Boolean | |
$hotspot.inactive | state | Boolean |
People counting camera signals, actions, and recommended fieldsets.
property | use | type | description |
@people.adult_enter | signal | Boolean | Adult entered |
@people.adult_exit | signal | Boolean | Adult exited |
@people.children_enter | signal | Boolean | Child entered |
@people.children_exit | signal | Boolean | Child exited |
@people.requested | signal | Boolean | Type of report obtained, whether daily or weekly |
@people.start | signal | Boolean | Starts people counting |
@people.stop | signal | Boolean | Ends people counting |
@people.restarted | signal | Boolean | People counting camera restarted |
@people.cam_connected | signal | Boolean | Camera connected |
@people.cam_disconnected | signal | Boolean | Camera disconnected |
@people.daily_report | signal | Boolean | Daily report generated |
@people.weekly_report | signal | Boolean | Weekly report generated |
$people.event | signal, fieldset | String | Last people counting event |
$ | signal, fieldset | Number | Adults entered |
$ | signal, fieldset | Number | Adults exited |
$people.children.enter | signal, fieldset | Number | Children entered |
$people.children.exit | signal, fieldset | Number | Children exited |
$people.adults_inside | signal, fieldset | Number | Adults inside |
$people.children_inside | signal, fieldset | Number | Children inside |
$people.global_adult.enter | signal, fieldset | Number | Total adults entered |
$people.global_adult.exit | signal, fieldset | Number | Total adults exited |
$people.global_children.enter | signal, fieldset | Number | Total children entered |
$people.global_children.exit | signal, fieldset | Number | Total children exited |
Power save mode
property | use | type | description |
@power_save.ign | signal | Boolean | Wake up by ignition |
@power_save.in1 | signal | Boolean | Wake up from input 1 |
@power_save.in2 | signal | Boolean | Wake up from input 2 |
@power_save.in3 | signal | Boolean | Wake up from input 3 |
@power_save.in4 | signal | Boolean | Wake up from input 4 |
@power_save.in5 | signal | Boolean | Wake up from input 5 |
@power_save.in6 | signal | Boolean | Wake up from input 6 |
@power_save.in7 | signal | Boolean | Wake up from input 7 |
@power_save.motion | signal | Boolean | Wake up from motion |
@power_save.pwr | signal | Boolean | Wake up from ext power |
@power_save.sleep | signal | Boolean | Entering power save |
@power_save.so1 | signal | Boolean | Wake up from short circuit on out1 |
@power_save.so2 | signal | Boolean | Wake up from short circuit on out2 |
@power_save.so3 | signal | Boolean | Wake up from short circuit on out3 |
@power_save.so4 | signal | Boolean | Wake up from short circuit on out4 |
@power_save.tig | signal | Boolean | Wake up from ignition on power |
@power_save.psm_timeout | signal | Boolean | Wake up by time |
@power_save.electrical_reset | signal | Boolean | Wake up by electrical reset |
@power_save.wakeup | signal | Boolean | Wakes up from power save |
$power_save.time | fieldset | Number | Epoch of wakeup time |
$power_save.mode | fieldset | String | Power save mode string |
$power_save.reason | fieldset | String | Wake up reason |
$power_save.status | fieldset | Boolean | Power save mode status |
set power_save immediate | action | Force start power save mode | |
set power_save mode [PSM_STRING] | action | Modify power save mode |
Serial RFID component
property | Use | type | description |
$rfid | fieldset | Object | json appends all rfid fields |
RI:$ | fieldset | String | taip last connected rfid id |
$ | fieldset, signal | String | ID of last connected rfid |
$rfid.last.alias | fieldset, signal | String | Alias of last connected rfid |
$rfid.last.whitelisted | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True if last rfid is authorized |
$rfid.last.conn_epoch | fieldset, signal | Number | Epoch of the last rfid connection |
$ | fieldset, signal | String | ID of the last authorized rfid |
$rfid.authorized.last.alias | fieldset, signal | String | Alias of last authorized rfid |
$rfid.authorized.last.whitelisted | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True if last rfid was authorized |
$rfid.authorized.last.conn_epoch | fieldset, signal | Number | Epoch of last authorized rfid |
@rfid.event | signal | Boolean | Triggered when any rfid event is detected |
@rfid.change | signal | Boolean | Triggered when the rfid changed | | signal | Boolean | Triggered when a card approaches the reader, even if it's the same id |
@rfid.authorized | signal | Boolean | Triggered when the id is whitelisted |
@rfid.unauthorized | signal | Boolean | Triggered when the id is not whitelisted |
add rfid --id=1234 --alias=driver1 | action | add an RFID to the authorized list, or update alias of existing RFID | |
clear rfid | action | clears the last RFID read | |
remove rfid --id=1234 | action | removes an RFID from the authorized list | |
remove rfids | action | 🛑 removes all RFIDs from the authorized list | |
get rfid | action | get the last RFID read | |
get rfids | action | get a list of all RFIDs |
satellite (satcom/sigfox)
property | Use | type | description |
$satcom | fieldset | Object | json appends all timer fields |
$satcom | fieldset | String | taip appends satellite modem's information |
$satcom.state | signal | String | State is connected when satellite is connected |
$ | signal | String | Satellite modem's id (imei) |
$satcom.signal | signal | Number | Signal strength: 0 - no signal 1 - weak signal 2 - fair signal 3 - ok signal 4 - good signal 5 - excellent signal |
$satcom.buff_size | signal | Number | Maximum allowed messages to be stored |
$satcom.buff_count | signal | Number | Amount of messages stored |
enable destination destination_name | action | Enables a destination | |
disable destination destination_name | action | Disables a destination | |
clear satcom buffer | action | Clears the satellite destination buffer | |
set satcom buffer_size | action | Set the satcom buffer size (Range from 10 to 500). | |
get satcom buffer_size | action | Get the satcom buffer size. |
seco (Safe Engine Cut-off / Immobilization)
property | use | type | description |
@seco.event | signal | boolean | Trigger when any seco event arrives |
@seco.enabled | signal | boolean | Trigger when the feature mode in enabled (powered ON) | | signal | boolean | Trigger when the feature is waiting for correct moment to realize the engine cut off. |
@seco.idle | signal | boolean | |
@seco.canceled | signal | boolean | User canceled the activation |
@seco.power_restored | signal | boolean | Output has been deactivated or the engine power restored |
@seco.deactivated | signal | boolean | Output has been deactivated or the engine power restored |
@seco.power_suspended | signal | boolean | Output has been activated or the engine power suspended |
@seco.activated | signal | boolean | Output has been activated or the engine power suspended |
@seco.activating | signal | boolean | Waiting for conditions to suspend the engine power (speed < 10kph for 20s) |
@seco.waiting_no_motion | signal | boolean | Waiting for conditions to suspend the engine power (no motion for 5 min) |
@seco.waiting_for_gps | signal | boolean | Safe conditions not met, either motion was detected or vehicle speed is above 10kph |
@seco.periodic_report | signal | boolean | Periodic report, the SECO mechanism is running but waiting for safety conditions |
$seco.enabled | states | boolean | Safe engine cut off module enabled |
$ | states | boolean | Safe engine cut off feature actived |
$seco.state | states | boolean | Number of the current state (see apx-seco help) |
enable seco | action | Enables the safe engine module | |
disable seco | action | Disables the safe engine module | |
start seco | action | Start safe engine cut off, waiting for conditions for tunrn off motor | |
stop seco | action | Stop safe engine cut off, enables the motor again |
property | use | type | description |
@system.reset | one-shot signal | boolean | Triggered whenever the device comes back from a restart |
@system.netchange | one-shot signal | boolean | Triggered every time the network changed after a Syrusjs restart |
$system.sessionCount | states | Number | Session number counter, increase every restart |
$system.uptime | states | Number | Time powered on |
$ | states | String | Netlink name [ eth0,wlan0,ppp0] |
$system.ip | states | String | Current device ip |
property | use | type | description |
$timers | fieldset | Object | json appends all timer fields |
@timers.timer_name | signal | Boolean | True if timer timer_name reaches its duration |
start timer timer_name | action | Start a timer | |
stop timer timer_name | action | Stops and clears a timer (resets the value to 0) | |
enable timer timer_name | action | Enables a timer | |
disable timer timer_name | action | Disables a timer |
time windows
property | use | type | description |
---|---|---|---| | signal | Boolean | One shot boolean, true when time-window starts | | signal | Boolean | One shot boolean, true when time-window ends |
$ | signal | Boolean | State, true when current time is in time-window |
$ | signal | Boolean | State, true when current time out of time-window |
Temperature component, note that a total of 500 onewire devices can be created (between temperature sensors and ibuttons)
property | Use | type | description |
$temp | fieldset | Object | json appends all temp fields |
$temp.aliases | fieldset | Object | json Temperature info for all sensors |
$temp.aliases.alias_name | fieldset | Object | json Temperature info for particular alias |
$temp.sensor_list | fieldset | Object | json Temperature value for all sensors |
$temp.sensorlist._n | fieldset | Object | json Temperature value for nth index |
EA[A|B|C]:$temp.aliases._alias_name.value | fieldset | Number | taip Temperature value for alias_name |
EA[A|B|C]:$temp.sensor_list._n.value | fieldset | Number | taip Temperature value for nth index |
$ | fieldset, signal | String | ID of temperature sensor alias_name |
$temp.aliases.alias_name.value | fieldset, signal | Number | Temperature value in °C |
$temp.aliases.alias_name.connected | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True if alias_name is connected |
$temp.aliases.alias_name.epoch | fieldset, signal | Number | Timestamp of temperature sensor alias_name reading |
$ | fieldset, signal | String | ID of nth temperature sensor |
$temp.sensorlist._n.value | fieldset, signal | Number | Temperature value in °C |
$temp.sensorlist._n.connected | fieldset, signal | Boolean | True if nth sensor is connected |
$temp.sensorlist._n.epoch | fieldset, signal | Number | Timestamp of nth temperature sensor reading |
add temperaturesensor _alias_name id | action | add temperature sensor | |
remove temperaturesensor _alias_name | action | remove temperature sensor by alias_name | |
remove temperaturesensor _id | action | remove temperature sensor by id | |
remove temperature_sensors | action | 🛑 remove all temperature sensors defined | |
get temperaturesensor _alias_name | action | get temperature sensor by alias_name | |
get temperaturesensor _id | action | get temperature sensor by id | |
get temperature_sensors | action | get list of temperature sensors defined | |
get temperature | action | get last temperature |
tpms (ecu)
TPMS information from the engine control unit.
property | Use | type | description |
$ecu | fieldset | Object | json appends all valid ecu data including tpms data |
$tpms | fieldset | Object | json appends all the tpms fields according to each alert reported |
$ecu | fieldset | String | taip compatible fieldset |
$ | fieldset, signal | Multiple | id refers to the specific pgn + start_position |
$ecu.param_name | fieldset, signal | Multiple | param_name refers to the parameters listed in the SDK ECU.d directory files |
$ecu.$tires.axleindex__X.tire_Y.pressure | fieldset, signal | Number | Pressure in kPa for a specific tire where X refers to the axle index (starts at 0), and Y refers to the tire index |
$ecu.$tires.axleX_.tireY_.pressure | fieldset, signal | Number | Pressure in kPa for a specific tire where X refers to the axle index (starts at 1), and Y refers to the tire index |
$ecu.$tires.axleindex__X.tire_Y.temperature | fieldset, signal | Number | Temperature in °C for a specific tire where X refers to the axle index (starts at 0), and Y refers to the tire index |
$ecu.$tires.axleX_.tireY_.temperature | fieldset, signal | Number | Temperature in °C for a specific tire where X refers to the axle index (starts at 1), and Y refers to the tire index |
@tpms.alarm_ok | signal | Boolean | True when there's no tpms alerts/alarms detected |
@tpms.sensor_mute | signal | Boolean | True when any tire reports a missing signal |
@tpms.sensor_defective | signal | Boolean | True if any tire reports a defective sensor |
@tpms.tire_leak | signal | Boolean | True if any tire reports a tire leak |
@tpms.temperature_warning | signal | Boolean | True if a tire reports a temperature warning |
@tpms.over_inflation_critical | signal | Boolean | True if a tire reports a critical over inflation |
@tpms.over_inflation_warning | signal | Boolean | True if a tire reports a warning over inflation |
@tpms.under_inflation_critical | signal | Boolean | True if a tire reports a critical under inflation |
@tpms.under_inflation_warning | signal | Boolean | True if a tire reports a warning under inflation |
Tracking resolution information
property | use | type | description |
@tracking_resolution.NAME.distance | signal | Boolean | Distance is met |
@tracking_resolution.NAME.heading | signal | Boolean | Heading is met |
@tracking_resolution.NAME.time | signal | Boolean | Time is met |
@tracking_resolution.NAME.signal | signal | Boolean | Any criteria is met |
set tracking_resolution NAME degrees time distance pacc,nacc | action | Modify a tracking resolution |
Variables related information
property | use | type | description |
$variables | fieldset | Object | json appends all valid ecu data including tpms data |
$ | fieldset, signal | Number or String | Contents of the variable name |
set variable name VALUE | action | Set variable name to a VALUE | |
set variable name increment | action | Increments the variable value by 1 | |
set variable name decrement | action | Decreases the variable value by 1 | |
set variable name reset | action | Set the variable value to 0 |
Video related information, more info
property | use | type | description |
start recording | action | Starts a video recording | |
stop recording | action | Stops a video recording | |
create video | action | Creates a video clip |
property | use | type | description | |
@flow_meter.signal | signal | Triggered when any flow meter event arrives | ||
$flow_meter.state | state | ConectConnectionion state [connected | disconnected] | |
$flow_meter.display_state | state | Show display state | ||
$flow_meter.flow | state | Flow rate [liters/minute] | ||
$flow_meter.pwr_disconnections | state | Number of power lost | ||
$flow_meter.sensor_disconnection | state | Number of disconnections | ||
$flow_meter.calibration | state | Calibration pattern, value in cm3/pulse * 100 | ||
$flow_meter.liters_dispatched | state | Total liters * 100 | ||
$flow_meter.cumulative_liters | state | Cumulative liters * 10 | ||
$flow_meter.timestamp | state | Last reading epoch |
Updated 3 months ago