Fatigue sensor

Documentation page for the Syrus IoT Telematics Gateway

Syrus can communicate with fatigue sensor accessories which help monitor driver's fatigue. Fatigue sensors work by analyzing a driver's facial features and their environment to generate audible alerts as well as capture a photo or video when the driver starts to doze off or feel drowsy. Together with Syrus you can get notified whenever one of these fatigue alerts are triggered and view the captured photo/video clip associated with each fatigue event.

General Overview

  • The way it works is that you connect one of the compatible fatigue sensors to the Syrus
  • Depending on which fatigue sensor you connected you will either configure Syrus to use the serial (rs232), can bus, or ethernet interfaces to obtain the fatigue sensor's data
  • Once connected and configured using the appropriate tool look at the fatigue sensor and simulate drowsiness
  • For the serial rs232 interface use the serial tab or the apx-serial tool to view data
  • For the ecu interface look at the ECU tab or the apx-ecu tool to list_parameters that start with the CAN_ID of the accessory (ex: 600_4.1_1)
  • For the ethernet interface look at the video tab or the apx-video tool to get the video status

Installation / Wiring Diagrams

Syrus 4 Datasheet with Pinout

Movon MDSM-7 Option A - via Ethernet (Includes video clips)


Movon MDSM-7 Option A

The video clips recording requires a firmware version for Movon's hardware of at least 0.3.04 or newer

Movon MDSM-7 Option B - via CAN bus


Movon MDSM-7 Option B

Read note below on installing a terminating resistor for CAN Bus accessories

Movon MDSM-7 Option C - via serial connection

Movon MDSM-7 Option C

Movon MDSM-7 Option C

Movon MDSM-7 & MDAS-9 Syrus 4 integration

Movon MDSM-7 & MDAS-9 Syrus 4 Connection Diagram

Movon MDSM-7 & MDAS-9 Syrus 4 Connection Diagram


Caredrive Fatigue Sensor

Installing a Terminating Resistor

Note that the impedance of the CAN bus must be 60 Ohms. To measure the impedance turn off the vehicle and make sure the multimeter is set to measure resistance (20Ω scale), and finally place the red and black probes on the CAN bus, it should be around 60Ω.

When connecting a single Movon device to the CAN bus the impedance of the bus changes to 120Ω, in order to drop it to the required 60Ω value a 120Ω resistor must be placed in parallel at the terminating end of the CAN bus wires of the Syrus 4G CAN High/CAN Low wires.

Any value lower than 60 Ohm indicates that there are probably more than two 120 Ohm bus termination resistors present. A value bigger than 60 Ohm typically indicates that there is at least one bus termination resistor missing or the bus terminators have a wrong resistance value.

Note: If you connect multiple accessories with terminating resistors, for example 2 Movon sensors, the impedance will measure out to be 60 Ohms, meaning you DO NOT have to add a resistor in this case.

The recommended resistances wattage depends on the type of vehicle, for 12V use at least a wattage of 0.5W, and for 24V use a wattage of at least 1W

Here are some sample resistances you can purchase online; EDGELEC EFR-W1D00-A:MF & KOA Speer MOS1CT528R121J

Accessory Comparison

DescriptionMovon MDSM-7Caredrive MR688BCipia-FS10
Captures photos of incidents✅*
Captures videos of incidents✅*🚫
Configure parameters like sensitivity and speaker volume remotely🚫
Driver fatigue warning/yawning
Driver fatigue alarm/drowsiness
Driver distracted
Driver absent/not detected
Driver disappeared🚫🚫
Driver changed🚫🚫
Driver identified🚫🚫
Unknown driver🚫🚫
Driver on phone🚫
Driver smoking🚫
Tamper alert🚫
Fatigue sensor power ON🚫🚫
Fatigue sensor power OFF🚫🚫
Driving with no seatbelt🚫🚫
Camera blocked🚫
Zero speed detected🚫🚫
System diagnostic messages (bootup ok, bootup failure)🚫🚫
System diagnostic message camera loss of gps🚫🚫
System diagnostic message camera uncalibrated🚫🚫
  • Note that the Movon MDSM-7 is configured for either Photos or Videos, but not both.

✅ - Available and supported
🔲 - Available and not yet supported
🚫 - Not available

Guide: Cipia-FS10 via Syrus 4G

The Cipia-FS10 will communicate via Wifi with Syrus 4. In order to get started make sure you download the latest apex OS version.

What you'll need:

  • 1 Syrus 4 device (Required Apex 23.32.4 or newer)
  • 1 Cipia-FS10 device with installation kit
  • 1 Android phone for installing (Android v8 or newer)
  • 1 Micro SD card

Credentials you'll need

  • Cipia EyeSightInstaller mobile application
    • Email, Password, Server URL
  • Cipia-FS10 unit
    • Device password

Cipia Setup

Step 1

Connect an SD card to the Syrus and be sure it's formatted and detected, you can do this from the Management Tool -> System -> Storage section.

Step 2

Configure the Cipia's MAC address and UnitID (found on the Cipia's sticker) to the Syrus using the apx-ndm-cipia tool.



MAC address and UnitID are needed to load the CipiaFS10 configuration file via Syrus4 apx-ndm-cipia tool.

# Apex 22.47.1 or newer
$ sudo apx-ndm-cipia set --mac=A6:04:50:3C:DA:45 --id=e320290294

# Apex 22.28.1 - 22.47.0
$ sudo apx-video set --device=cipia_fs10 --mac=A5:53:0C:CB:DC:1D --id=e123456789

# Apex 22.27.1 or older
$ sudo apx-video set_mac --device=cipia_fs10 --mac=A5:53:0C:CB:DC:1D

Step 3

Create a video profile for Cipia in Syrus Cloud

To do this simply create a new video profile, add a camera, and select Cipia from the dropdown menu.



Note that once the Video profile is synchronized with the Syrus it automatically bring up the Syrus 4 hotspot. Thus you will lose wifi connectivity.

Step 4

Configure the hotspot settings on the Syrus using the apx-hotspot.

# set the SSID and  Password
$ sudo apx-hotspot set --ssid=syrushotspot --pass=syrus1234

Step 5

Download the configuration and settings file and edit the settings according to the hotspot values entered previously.

Configuration File: cipia_fs10.conf.json

Settings File: cipia_fs10.settings.json

    "WifiSettings": {
        "APModeEnable": true,
        "APPassword": "1234567890",
        "APSSID": "FS-WiFi",
        "Password": "syrus1234",    # hotspot password
        "SSID": "syrushotspot"      # hotspot ssid


Adding a custom configuration name for Cipia

You can use the ConfigurationName in the cipia_fs10.conf.json to give the configuration a custom name. The results will show up in Syrus Cloud under the Cipia Config column.

Note that the max length for this name is 30 characters long.

Once you're done editing the configuration & settings file you can use Syrus Cloud upload functionality to load it on the Syrus.

filepath to upload to

Step 6

Calibrate and install the camera in the car.
Download and install the Cipia EyeSightInstaller Mobile application Android APK.

Note that this application requires Android 8 or above

Login with the provided Installer Email, Password, and Server URL.

Step 7

Follow the screen prompts and unscrew the side compartment and insert the micro SD card.

Step 8

Use your phone's Wifi to connect to the Cipia's access point. Look for FS-WiFi-XXXXXX

Click on the I'm connected button to confirm that you're connected to the Cipia unit.

Once connected enter the device password, this will be supplied along with the installation app's credentials, and click on Install a new device

Step 9

Follow the instructions and enter your vehicle's information along with the Ver0.26-WiFi configuration file.

Step 10

If you are using an apex version above 22.47.1 with apx-ndm-cipia, you can configure the unit with the configure command, this command uses the MAC Address and the ID previously stored to find the WiFi network provided by the CipiaFS10.

# Configure Cipia on the Syrus

$ sudo apx-ndm-cipia configure

$ sudo apx-ndm-cipia configure
"Please electrically reboot your cipia device"

# Once you get the successful configuration message restart the Cipia electrically



In case the configuration fails by showing the "Network not found" message, remember that by default the WiFi network SSID provided by the CipiaFS10 will have the following structure:

FS-WiFi-XXXXXXXX where the XXXXXXX are the last 8 characters of the CipiaFS10 MAC

So you have to validate that the saved MAC is OK, and additionally you can search for the network you expect to find using the command apx-wifi scan

After restarting the Cipia you can verify that it's working with the status command

$ sudo apx-ndm-cipia status
    "id": "E321290499",
    "mac": "A4:04:50:3C:BE:57",
    "version": "",
    "ip": "",
    "connection": {
        "state": "CONNECTED",
        "since": 1671119309

If you have an older version of Apex select the Communication channel Wifi, and using the settings from the first 2 steps enter the Wi-Fi settings.

Wi-Fi settings

Wifi SSIDSyrus 4 hotspot SSIDSyrus4G-LTEsyrushotspot
Wifi passwordSyrus 4 hotspot passwordsyrus1234syrus1234
Server address/IPSyrus 4 hotspot ip address (inet addr)
PortDefault port for Syrus 4 Cipia integration1883

Change any of the device settings if desired.

Step 11

Device Test, Calibration, and Driver Enrollment

The calibration of the Cipia is done by attaching the provided Checkerboard square to the headrest of the car seat, and moving the seat back and forth slowly. You can download a sample checkerboard square from the following link.

Keep following the onscreen prompts to test the device, and register a driver.

Note that the driver registration is required if you want to trigger the events for driver detection.

Step 12

At this point the installation is complete and you can use the Syruslang fatigue sensor section to start detecting events.

Cipia driver identification in Pegasus

Cipia can recognize a driver based on its face and associate it with an ID. Now we can use this with Syrus 4 to associate an ID from Cipia to an asset from Pegasus. This feature works on APX 24.09.4 or above and SyrusJs 1.62.6 or above.

Once you finish the Cipia and Syrus 4 configuration, follow these steps:

  1. In Syrus Cloud create an instance.
  2. Add the RFID tag on the fieldset using this component: $fatigue_sensor.driver_name.

We recommend the RFID tag because it supports alphanumeric characters, for example:

define fieldset default fields=$io,$gnss,$modem,$battery,RI:$fatigue_sensor.driver_name
  1. Create an event that fires with driver recognition. This event helps notify every time a new driver is detected and update the ID on Pegasus immediately.
define event ev_fatigue_driver_ident ack=seq fieldset=default group=fatigue_cipia label=ftgdrvid code=56 trigger=@fatigue_sensor.driver_identified
  1. Test it!


If you are unsure of the Cipia's MAC address, follow this procedure to find it:

# assuming you have the default network credentials, connect to Cipia
$ sudo apx-wifi add FS-WiFi-503cbe57 1234567890

# verify the connection
$ sudo apx-wifi status

# get the Cipia IP (inet addr)
$ ifconfig 
wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr FC:45:C3:8F:C6:D8
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
# ping the Cipia gateway (.1 address)
$ ping

# query the ARP table
$ cat /proc/net/arp     0x1         0x2         a6:04:50:3c:be:57     *        wlan0

# note that this is the MAC of the local access point, change the first two letters from a6 to a4 and that's the MAC of the Cipia's wifi

If you have a device stop sending videos via the Cipia FS-10 you can perform a restart by sending the following commands using Syrus Cloud:

# restart the video module
apx-video restart --module=ndm

# wait for 1 minute and query the Syrus hotspot status
apx-hotspot status

# once the hotspot is active you can restart the Cipia device by pressing the power button
# verify that the Cipia is connected with 
apx-video status

Other helpful commands

# verify if a Cipia camera is connected to the Syrus' hotspot
apx-hotspot list

# restart the Syrus 
apx-system reboot

# verify the status of the ignition
# most installations use the ignition switch to power on the Cipia so it must be ON to detect the Cipia camera
apx-io get ign
# consult the Cipia device MAC
# this MAC address should match the same one found in the apx-hotspot list
apx-video get --device=cipia_fs10 --mac

Guide: Cipia FS10 via Syrus 4G Lite

step 1

Install Apex 24.23.1 or above (a full Apex Update is required to have the device work with the new USB dongle) and make sure the Cipia FS10 WiFi (local) has version or newer (follow this procedure for updating it locally or remotely)

step 2

Connect the TP-Link AC600 Archer T2U Nano to the USB port (note that when using the microUSB connector from Syrus it disables the USB port, so you can’t load up the management tool interface while connecting with the dongle, it’s recommended to do everything remotely via Syrus Cloud). Use apx-wifi scan to check that the wifi dongle is working properly.

TP-Link AC600 Archer T2U Nano

TP-Link AC600 Archer T2U Nano

step 3

Use Syrus Cloud to install a Cipia camera profile to the device. Be sure to select internal memory for storage and disable the hotspot mode.

step 4

Use the apx-ndm-cipia tool to set the Cipia MAC address and ID to the Syrus device: apx-ndm-cipia set --mac=a404503cbff2 --id=E321290071
You can find the MAC address and ID in the back part of the Cipia camera.

step 5

Download the Cipia configuration files from the following link and edit the settings

Configuration File: cipia_fs10.conf.json
Settings File: cipia_fs10.settings.json

Edit the cipia_fs10.settings.json file with the following parameters

	"WifiSettings": {
    	"APModeEnable": true,
    	"APPassword": "1234567890",
    	"APSSID": "FS-WiFi",
    	"Password": "",
    	"SSID": ""

Edit the final part of the cipia_fs10.conf.json file with the following parameters:

   "ServerAddress": "",
   "ServerPassword": "fs1Manager@2021",
   "SleepModeTO": 5,
   "SpeakerControl": false,
   "SpeakerVolume": 90,
   "SystemLEDActivation": true,
   "TelematicsDataForwardOptions": 0,
   "VideosStorageNumber": 250,
   "VoiceNotificationsLang": 1

Upload the edited files to the Syrus device in /data/users/syrus4g/video/ folder.

step 6

Configure the Syrus device to use as its IP address for Wifi mode.

apx-wifi set --ip=

Start the wifi service

apx-wifi start

Configure Cipia with the following command

apx-ndm-cipia configure

Once configured, the following message should be displayed:

please electrically reboot your cipia device
Retry in case of failure

Restart the Cipia device by disconnecting the power supply, wait until the camera’s LED is completely off, and then connect the camera again.

Use apx-ndm-cipia status to check if the camera was detected and the Cipia version is or above.

  "id": "E321290071",
  "mac": "a404503cbff2",
  "version": "",
  "configuration": "cipia_fs10.conf 549874",
  "ip": "",
  "connection": {
	"state": "CONNECTED",
	"since": 1716918909
  "name": "cipiaFS10",
  "type": "cipiaFS10"

step 7

Depending on your requirements, install a syrusjs application and configure Cipia events. Remember that the Cipia videos can also be downloaded by using the Syrus Cloud web site

Cipia Firmware Update Procedure

Procedure for updating the Cipia firmware locally and remotely. It has been tested with Cipia FS-10 (Locally connected) and Cipia FS-10 Plus (LTE) devices.

Local / Update from Windows Computer


  • Windows PC
  • Cipia Device
  • MicroUSB *optional (if you choose this option you may need to download an additional driver)
  • CipiaTool - download (This tool can be used both for diagnostics and FW updates)
  • Latest firmware - download (At the time of this document the latest stable versión was Other versions
Step 1

Connect PC to Cipia-FS10 local WIFI (FS-WiFi-…).Default Password is 1234567890

Step 2

Run the Software and you will see a screen that looks like this:
The default Cipia IP is

You can click on Connection Test to verify that the Cipia is detected.

Remotely Using Syrus 4

To update the Cipia remotely using Syrus 4 devices, you need to first contact Cipia (support@cipia.com) and pass them the Cipia IDs that you want to update, and to which version. Example:
Cipia IDs
Version =


Once Cipia confirms everything is ready on their side, do the following:

  1. Send the Update command apx-ndm-cipia update. This command will allow the Syrus to ping Cipia’s servers for up to 30 mins to attempt to update it remotely.
  1. Electrically reset the Cipia (or wait til next Power cycle, the Cipia goes into sleep mode if it’s parked)
  2. Check the Cipia version apx-ndm-cipia get --firmware_version

If the process failed then try again, and verify with Cipia that the version on their end is the correct one.

For versions with older Apex 22.51.1

  1. Send apx-video update --device=cipia_fs10
  1. Syrus4 device is going to give internet access to cipia for 30 minutes, For now syrus does not have the way to check if cipia was correctly updated, so you are going to see something like this, which is normal.
  1. To check if the OTA process finished correctly, execute an electrical reset on the Cipia device and once it goes available again send apx-video get --device=cipia_fs10 --version to check the new version of the Cipia.
  1. If the version is not the version you are waiting for, start the process again.

Source of information

Guide: Movon via Ethernet

The first option for installing the Movon MDSM-7 will use the Ethernet cable, this option is generally cleaner and less hassle as there's a more direct connection with the Movon and all the events can be generated as well as video clips received.

Movon Setup

We need to access the Movon's Calibration Interface in order to setup the video capturing capability and enable communication with Syrus.

To do so we must connect via USB and enter the IP address and port of the Movon accessory on a browser (<<<>>>), see the PC Calibration section of the manufacturer's installation guide for more information.


Firmware / OS Version for Movon

Note that the MDSM-7 firmware that DCT tests was 0.3.04, however DCT has found that some Movon devices with this version still cause issues detecting the video, you have to reflash the device with the same 0.3.04 version to fix it.

Once connected to the Movon you'll be guided through the calibration process.

Once you complete the calibration you'll be taken back to the main screen where you'll have the option to upgrade the firmware.

Start by downloading and extracting the following compressed file which contains a binary pkg in order to upgrade the Movon to the necessary firmware version (v0.3.04).

Step 1

Select Firmware update

Step 2

Select the extracted file mdsm7_0.3.04.pkg from the compressed zip downloaded earlier.

Wait a few minutes while the firmware is updated.

Step 3

Once the firmware is updated go back to the main menu and go through the Calibration again.

Go through the steps on screen to detect the speed (recommended CAN speed) and perform the Auto Camera Setting.

Once you get to the DVR Setup you can use the following settings:

Step 4

The DSM Setup allows you to enable/disable specific signals.

Step 5

The Auto Camera Setting handles the driver detection and ensure the whole face is captured.

Step 6

Under the miscellaneous settings select Video clips and underneath which events you want to capture video clips with.


FMS RS232 Baudrate

Make sure the FMS RS232 Baudrate is OFF .

Once the calibration is complete export your settings so you can copy them to other devices

Step 7

Next from the Movon's main menu go to the Ethernet Settings

this opens up the Network settings, start by making sure DHCP is disabled in the first section.

The IP address of the first section is the IP address of the MDSM-7, be sure to select an IP address within the same subnet as the bottom section's IP address. The bottom section's IP address is the one we're going to configure on the Syrus in the nexts step.

Make sure to activate the TCP/IP FMS Activation and enter the IP address of the Syrus 4 ethernet interface, along with a port ranging from 61500 - 61550.

Once done, click on the right arrow to proceed and save the configuration.

Step 8

Finally go into the Accessories -> Video section of the Syrus 4 Management UI and enter the general settings; where you'll save the location of the video storage and max allowed space.

Click on the top right button to add a new camera and select type MDSDM-7 and enter the same IP address and port from Step 7 above (be sure to enter the IP address of the bottom section of the Network configuration from Step 7)

At this point it's done, you're ready view the messages published via redis or configure a Syruslang script to report fatigue events.

Guide: Movon via CAN Bus

The second option installing the Movon MDSM-7 will use the ECU wires of the CAN bus, we recommend using Syrus' secondary interface for the connection.

CAN Bus Wiring Pinout (found in 14-pin molex)

MDAS-7 Wires Signal Description Syrus Signal Syrus Wires
White CAN High Pin 1 - CAN High cable from Movon, connect to Syrus cyan CAN 2 High cable. CAN2_H Cyan
Green CAN Low Pin2 - CAN Low cable from Movon, connect to Syrus white/light green CAN 2 Low cable. CAN2_L White Light-Green
Red PWR Power for the Fatigue sensor accessory, use the same power source as the Syrus +12-24V DC.
Black GND Fatigue sensor's ground, connect to the Syrus 4 electrical ground cable. GND Brown

Note be sure to maintain the cables for the ECU monitor twisted.

Movon Setup

We need to access the Movon's Calibration Interface in order to setup the video capturing capability and enable communication with Syrus.

To do so we must connect via USB and enter the IP address and port of the Movon accessory on a browser (<<<>>>), see the PC Calibration section of the manufacturer's installation guide for more information.

Once connected to the Movon you'll be guided through the calibration process.

Step 1

Go through the steps on screen to detect the speed (recommended CAN speed) and perform the Auto Camera Setting.

Once you get to the DSM Setup you can enable/disable specific audible events.

Step 2

The Auto Camera Setting handles the driver detection and ensure the whole face is captured.

Step 3

Under the miscellaneous settings select the Snapshot and underneath which events you want to capture photos with.



Note that although Snapshot Transmission is selected no photos are captured with the MDSM7 at this time.

Once the calibration is complete export your settings so you can copy them to other devices

At this point connect the Movon to the vehicle's CAN bus interface following the manufacturer's instruction.

Syrus Configuration

For the configuration of option B (over ECU) we'll create an ECU Profile in Syrus Cloud to configure the Syrus.

Be sure to select the Accessories configuration depending on the CAN interface you use (Primary or Secondary), and select ALL Movon parameters.

Once the Syrus has the profile, and you install the Movon MDSM-7 you can trigger the fatigue sensor messages and trigger messages using Syruslang.

You can also use the apx-ecu tool to view the parameters.

# List ECU parameters, indicating a driver on the phone and yawning
$ sudo apx-ecu list_parameters
    "630_1.1_movon": 0,
    "630_1.2_movon": 0,
    "630_1.3_movon": 1
    "630_1.4_movon": 1,
    "630_1.5_movon": 0,
    "630_1.6_movon": 0,
    "630_1.7_movon": 0,
    "630_1.8_movon": 0,

The list of parameters and their respective unique CAN_ID are:

ECU Unique IDDescription
630_1.6_movonDriver absence
630_1.7_movonCamera blocked
630_1.8_movonCamera error

Guide: Movon via Serial Port

MDSM 7 per serial port is supported starting with Apex 23.51.2.

To configure send the following command in Syrus Cloud:

$ apx-serial mode mdsm7

#check the status
$ apx-serial-mdsm7 status
  "state": "connected",
  "model": "mdsm7",
  "version": 0.3.26-2.1,
  "max_photos": 25,
  "nbr_photos": 2,

If the status is connected, put the snippet at the end of the document in the application of the Syrus 4 equipment and perform tests, if it does not answer connected, see the electrical connection diagram and the necessary configuration of the Movon 7 to work with Syrus 4.

Check that the baud rate section is 9600 and has transmission in the snapshot option.

If you want to generate events while it is not moving, to test on the desktop, set the speed to zero “0”.

define group fatigue
define event fatigue_warning fieldset=defeault ack=seq group=fatigue photo=fatigue_sensor.fatigue_warning label=ftgwarning code=110 trigger=@fatigue_sensor.fatigue_warning
define event fatigue_alarm fieldset=defeault ack=seq group=fatigue photo=fatigue_sensor.fatigue_alarm label=ftgalarm code=111 trigger=@fatigue_sensor.fatigue_alarm
define event fatigue_distraction fieldset=defeault ack=seq group=fatigue photo=fatigue_sensor.distraction label=ftgdistrct code=112 trigger=@fatigue_sensor.distraction
define event fatigue_phone fieldset=defeault ack=seq group=fatigue photo=fatigue_sensor.phone label=ftgcamphon code=113 trigger=@fatigue_sensor.phone
define event fatigue_smoking fieldset=defeault ack=seq group=fatigue photo=fatigue_sensor.smoking label=ftgcamsmok code=114 trigger=@fatigue_sensor.smoking
define event fatigue_cam_blocked fieldset=defeault ack=seq group=fatigue photo=fatigue_sensor.camera_blocked label=ftgcamblck code=115 trigger=@fatigue_sensor.camera_blocked
define event fatigue_remind fieldset=defeault ack=seq group=fatigue photo=fatigue_sensor.fatigue_remind label=remind code=116 trigger=@fatigue_sensor.fatigue_remind
set destinations group=fatigue pegasus

More information Movon MDSM-7 configuration via Serial Port

Guide: Caredrive MR688B

Manufacturer's installation guide

To install the Caredrive MR688B, we'll use the Syrus serial RX/TX wires.

Serial Wiring Pinout (found in 14-pin molex)

Caredrive Wires Signal Description Syrus Signal Syrus Wires
Blue RX Caredrive RX (MR688B 232 data receiver), connect to the Syrus orange data transmitter cable. RS232_TX Orange
Green TX Caredrive TX (MR688B 232 data transmission), connect to the Syrus blue data receiver cable. RS232_RX Blue
Red PWR Power for the Caredrive accessory, use the same power source as the Syrus +12-24V DC.
Black GND Caredrive's ground, connect to the Syrus 4 electrical ground cable. GND Brown

Syrus Configuration

Once you have the Caredrive fatigue sensor accessory connected to the Syrus you can configure the serial port to fatigue_sensor mode with the apx-serial tool.

$ sudo apx-serial mode fatigue_sensor

To test the communication with the accessory, you can use the capture command.

$ sudo apx-serial fatigue_sensor capture

a photo is captured and automatically uploaded to the default directory: /data/users/syrus4g/fatigue_sensor.

Before your first drive it's important to change the default settings, here's some recommended apx commands you can use to program the camera for 'normal' operation.

# Set sensitivity to 2.9 seconds
$ sudo apx-serial fatigue_sensor sensitivity 3

# Set minimum speed to 30kph
$ sudo apx-serial fatigue_sensor min_speed 30

# Set speeding alarm threshold to 135kph
$ sudo apx-serial fatigue_sensor speeding 135

# Set the speaker volume to low
$ sudo apx-serial fatigue_sensor speaker_volume 1

Ensure the changes are saved by turning the fatigue sensor off and back on.

Note that some fatigue sensors include dip switches on the back of the camera that override these settings. Follow the recommended settings in the manual of the fatigue sensor