System Tools

Apex core system tools

The Syrus 4 system tools are applications that are in charge of enabling/disabling and resetting specific hardware functionalities. They can also be used to interact with some Linux applications such as hostapd which is used for bringing up a hotspot. And finally the tools serve as a way to create functionalities such as tracking criterias, geofences and more, which is useful for fleet management.

These applications are accessed via the shell with apx- as a command prefix.

The standard response of these system tool command is JSON, thus you may find it useful to use jq to get a specific result.

# returns the last gps point
$ sudo apx-gps state | jq .LATEST_POINT

# returns the first 5 geofences in the namespace applications
$ sudo apx-geofences getstatus applications | jq '.[0:5]'

# returns the name of all the geofences in the namespace applications
$ sudo apx-geofences getstatus applications | jq '.[] | {name: .geo_name}'

Result codes (Linux exit codes)

They can be consulted by echoing the Linux exit status code $?. The most common result codes are:

  • 0: Action executed successfully with no errors
  • 1: Catchall for general errors
  • 2: Misuse of shell builtins (according to bash documentation)
  • 22: Invalid argument
  • 90: Response too long
  • 126: Command invoked cannot execute
  • 127: Command not found
  • 128: Invalid argument to exit
  • 128+n: Fatal error signal “n”
  • 130: Script terminated by Control-C
  • 255+: Exit status out of range


Sudo privileges

Note that all apx commands require special privileges, thus you must use sudo to execute them.



Inertial measurement unit manager for the accelerometer and device's gyroscope. This tool calibrates the accelerometer and sets it's event thresholds.

This tool helps us download and create acceleration profiles (this allows calibration of equipment without having to move the vehicle physically), and generate a backlog of accelerations to be downloaded and analyzed later.

 apx-imu <command> [<args=value>]
configure [OPTIONS]Use this command to set the different parameters related to the accelerometer.
calibrate [OPTIONS]Starts the self-alignment process. Take into account that the vehicle must be stopped/stationary on a level surface when starting this process
testStarts the accelerometer self-test. If second parameter is not used it returns the motion state. It forces some of the events (motion, collision, hard_braking, etc) to be triggered.
statusReturns the list with all the configured parameters.
eventsReturns the list with the last 25 acceleration events.
get_profileMake a copy of the current calibration profile into: /data/users/syrus4g/imu/accel.conf
set_profileInstall the calibration profile from: /data/users/syrus4g/imu/accel.conf
backlog create [options] Will create a X, Y, Z backlog file with 2500 samples = 10s. It receives as argument the file name.
backlog status [options]Returns the list of the backlogs created. If --name is specified, it returns a json with the file status.

Use the following options to set/get the different parameters related to the accelerometer. If the second argument is not specified, it returns the value configured

Calibration Options

--status start - Starts the calibration process.
stop - Stops the calibration process.
clear - Stops and deletes the current calibration.


Calibration timeout

Note that the calibration ends automatically if it is left ON for more than 1 hour

Configuration Options

motion_thresholdFrom 10 to 500, Default: 30 (30*1milli-g=30milli-g)
motion_durationFrom 1 to 8, Default: 2 (2*0.5=1sec)
hard_motionFrom 200 to 800, Default: 400 (400*1mg=400mg)
front_collisionFrom -1000 to -15000, Default: -2000milli-g
back_collisionFrom 1000 to 15000, Default: 2000milli-g
right_collisionFrom -1000 to -15000, Default: -2000milli-g
left_collisionFrom 1000 to 15000, Default: 2000milli-g
harsh_accelerationFrom 200 to 600, Default: 260milli-g
hard_brakingFrom -200 to -600, Default: -260milli-g
cornering_rightFrom -200 to -600, Default: -400milli-g
cornering_leftFrom 200 to 600, Default: 400milli-g

The alignment process can be found in the CONNECT page.


Acceleration Events

Note that the self_alignment procedure is required in order to trigger any acceleration related signal with Syruslang except for the _hard_motion_ event. This one will trigger automatically even if the device is NOT calibrated. Also note that since it does not depend on the calibration the hard motion will detect negative and positive accelerations whose absolute value meet the threshold.

Query status of alignment procedure

# Configure the hard braking threshold to -240 milli-g and cornering left to 350 milli-g
$ apx-imu configure --hard_braking=-240 --cornering_left=350

# Start the calibration process
$ apx-imu calibrate --status=start

# Create a backlog
$ apx-imu backlog create --name=mybacklog

The device will return one of these states

ALIGNMENT_CURRENT_STATE% completeddescription
11%Deleting previous alignment data
210%Waiting for GNSS signal
330%Running initial stage. Computing recorded data
450%Running second stage. Waiting for GNSS signal
570%Waiting for vehicle speed to go over 30kph
680%Waiting for a valid braking event
790%Braking event detected. Computing recorded data
8100%Alignment process done


# Start the self alignment process:
$ apx-imu calibrate --status=start

# Configure the hard braking to -240 milliG and cornering left to 350 milliG:
$ apx-imu configure --hard_braking=-240 --cornering_left=350

# Read the value of the harsh forward acceleration threshold:

# Read the list of parameters configured:
$ apx-imu config_list



Install, run, and manage applications on the device.

 syrus-apps-manager [option] [argument_1] [argument_2] [argument_3]


Syrus application manager

The command syrus-apps-manager does not require sudo in front and can be run by user syrus4g

helpPrints this help message
install-appinstall an app from .zip file on the device, makes it available to create instances, takes as argument_1 the path where the zip file exists
update-app | download-appdownload a new version of the app from the repository declared for the app, takes as argument_1 the name of the app and argument_2 the new version to download, if argument_2 is omitted it will try to download the stable version if available
list-appslist the available apps installed on the device
delete-appdelete an app on a specific version, takes as argument_1 the app and argument_2 the version of the app
check-updateschecks for updates on every app thats exposes a repository on the manifest
list-instanceslist all the instances of apps running on the device
create-instancecreate an instance from a previously installed app on the device, argument_1 is the name of the instance, argument_2 the name of the app, and the argument_3 the version
update-instanceupdate an instance to a different version, takes as argument_1 the name of the instance and argument_2 as the version
delete-instancedelete an instance, takes as argument_1 the name of the instance
start | stop | restartstart,stop or restart one instance, takes as argument_1 the name of the instance
get-runningreturn a list of only running instances
statusreturn the status of one instance, takes as argument_1 the name of the instance
send-messageSend a message (via nc) to applications that expose a unix socket.
start-shellStart a shell (via nc) with applications that expose a unix socket.
clear-bufferDelete the buffer associated to a destination


Instance naming

Note that instances must start with lowercase, and contain no spaces or special characters.


# Manual application installation from source

$ cd /data/downloads

$ wget

$ syrus-apps-manager install-app customApp /data/downloads/
# SyrusJS example installation

$ wget -O /data/downloads/

$ syrus-apps-manager install-app /data/downloads/

$ syrus-apps-manager create-instance test_instance syrusjs 1.34.1

$ syrus-apps-manager start test_instance
# Update syrusjs application 
$ syrus-apps-manager update-app syrusjs 1.34.0

# Update an instance of syrusjs
$ syrus-apps-manager update-instance my_app_instance_name 1.34.0

# Send commands to a syrusjs instance
$ syrus-apps-manager send-message my_app_instance_name "get signal_value isON"
signal value=true

# if sending the command locally make sure to use single quotes ' around commands with special characters
$ syrus-apps-manager send-message my_app_instance_name 'get value $net_wifi.ip_address'

# if sending a command via syrus-cloud or MDT you must use double quotes " and escape special characters
$ syrus-apps-manager send-message my_app_instance_name "get value \$net_cell.connected"

# you can send TAIP commands with the send-message
$ syrus-apps-manager send-message my_app_instance_name ">SSSU051<"

# send command to upload using Blackbox feature
syrus-apps-manager send-message my_app_instance_name "upload blackbox protocol=taip destination=my_server from=1708963644 to=1708963654"

# Start a shell with syrusjs
$ syrus-apps-manager start-shell my_app_instance_name
get signals
define signal ...

# Delete the buffer associated to a destination
$ syrus-apps-manager clear-buffer __cloud_hw_lab_tests pegasus



Tool to convert text to speech in different languages. Use the apx-bt tool to pair to a compatible bluetooth device first.

 apx-tts <language> <message>
en-GBGreat Britain

message is the actual message to say


$ apx-tts en-US 'Testing text to speech'

$ apx-tts es-ES 'Una prueba de texto a voz'


Tips on using Text to Speech

You can use UPPERCASE letters after the first word to spell out words.

apx-tts en-US 'welcome to USA'

is the same as:

apx-tts en-US 'WELCOME to USA'

You can use periods . for short pauses during the speech.



Bluetooth tool with BLE functions and pairing with compatible with bluetooth headsets. If you're looking for the text to speech function, check out the apx-tts tool.

 apx-bt [<action>] [--arguments]


helpReturns this message.
onWill enable the Bluetooth module.
offWill disable the Bluetooth module.
statusWill display core application version, prioritized audio, device MAC, device name, and the mode configured.
scanFollowed by --time in seconds. Application will scan for nearby devices for up to 30 seconds.
pairFollowed by --mac. Will begin the pairing process with the device. Device needs to have been previously scanned.
pair_forcedFollowed by --mac. Will force a pair process with the device.
connectFollowed by --mac. Attempt a connection with a previously paired device
unpairFollowed by --mac. Will unpair a previously paired device.
disconnectFollowed by --mac. Will disconnect a previously connected device.
switch_audioFollowed by --mac. Will declare the device to be the main source of audio.
infoFollowed by --mac. Will display information about the device.
info_allThis will display information about all of the recently discovered devices, if those devices are paired, or if they are paired and connected.
historyThis will display information about all of the devices that were discovered by the scanning process since last activation of the Bluetooth module
list_discoveredReturns the list of all the devices that have been discovered by the scanning process. Note: A device might be scanned and added to the list of paired devices but not appear in the list of discovered devices. Recommended to check both lists.
list_connectedReturns the list of all paired and connected devices.
restartThis will restart the application module.
resetThis command resets everything regarding the application. All information about the devices, connections, and pairs will be lost.
routed_audioThis will display the address of the device producing audio.
soc_audioRoutes prioritized audio device to allow audio from SOC.
mdm_audioRoutes prioritized audio device to allow audio from MDM.
--macDevice MAC address. A single string of hexadecimal is expected for the device
--timeTime in seconds


Switch audio

Note that the switch_audio action is only relevant when you have multiple compatible speakers paired to the Syrus, and you want to switch which speaker to use to playback an audio without having to disconnect them.

# Start a scan for nearby bluetooth devices for 15 seconds.
$ apx-bt scan --time=15

# List discovered Bluetooth devices after scanning
$ apx-bt list_discovered
{"C83432DA6A1C":"Family Room TV","000664EDF530":"CricutAIR2-F530","E8ABFB463615":"Boltune BT-BH010","84A444220FA2":"[TV]Samsung LED55"}

# Pair to a discovered bluetooth device with the MAC address: 02:06:EF:66:43:0A
$ apx-bt pair --mac=0206EF66430A

BLE Actions

$ apx-bt [<action>] [--arguments]
advertisingFollowed by desired parameters to enable or disable advertising, which type of advertising to do, and for how long to advertise (--mode, --flag, and --duration respectively). If not followed by anything it shows the parameters used.
authFollowed by the password. Only usable from the BLE device that is connected.
change_authTakes two arguments. The --old_pass and the --new_pass that BLE devices must use for authentication. Passwords must be of 1 to 30 characters long and cannot contain spaces. Only 0-9,a-z,and A-Z characters are allowed.
sendFollowed --characteristic and --message. This command takes two arguments where the first argument is the characteristic to notify and the second argument is the message to send to the device that is subscribed for notifications. The message can be any NULL terminated string. Refer to Valid Characteristics.
pingUsed for maintaining a keep alive communication between a BLE device and this unit. Will return "pong".
change_nameFollowed by --name. Will change both the Bluetooth name of the device and the BLE name being advertised by the device. The name will always be prefixed with Syrus 4G. The name can be up to 15 alphanumeric characters.
ble_statusNot followed by any arguments. Will display a list of all BLE devices that are currently connected or recently disconnected.
--modeEither 0 or 1 for disable and enable respectively.
--flagTo get the desired on state flag, simply add the hex numbers from Number on the Advertising Table below.
--durationA value in seconds between 30 to 300 seconds. A number more than 300 will force advertising duration to be 600 which means advertising is continuous, meaning advertising will always be on.

Advertising Table:

NumberNot addedAdded
0x001Local Random AddressLocal Public Address
0x002Non DiscoverableDiscoverable
0x004Non ConnectableConnectable
0x010Advertise Name OffAdvertise Name
0x020Advertise Tx Pwr OffAdvertise Tx Pwr
0x040No AppearanceAdvertise Appearance
0x100Peer Random AddressPeer Public Address

Valid Characteristics:

eventsTo be used for events that occurred
user_apps_consoleTo be used by internal user applications that wish to communicate with external user applications.
# Advertising is enabled, discoverable (`0x002`), connectable (`0x004`), and the name is advertised (`0x010`) for 200 seconds.
$ apx-bt advertising --mode=1 --flags=0x16 --duration=200

# Send a json string to the events 
$ apx-bt send --characteristic=events --message={"name":"Joe"}

Bluetooth Sensor

This tool lets you read and configure the BLE scan engine

$ sudo apx-bbs help
$ apx-bbs <command> [<args=value>]


statusReturns the last scanned devices.
set [options]Used to configure the service parameters like the scan_time.
add [options]Add or modify a BLE device to the white list.
remove [options]Removes a BLE device form the white list.
get [options]Reads the alias of a device given a MAC address.
get_configReads the configuration of the bluetooth beacon settings.
get_allReturns all the BLE devices added to the white list.
versionReturns the tool version.
helpPrint this help.


-s, --scan_timeThe BLE channels scanning time this determine the update time (default 10s).
-m, --macThe mac address of the BLE device.
-a, --aliasThe desired alias of the BLE device.
-e, --enabledEnable or disable the loggin service


# Check the last scanned devices:
     apx-bbs state
#Enable BLE service and set scanning time:
     apx-bbs set --scan_time=60 --enabled=true
#Get information about the configuration:
     apx-bbs get_config
#Add a new ble device to the whitelist:
     apx-bbs add --mac=AABBCCDDEEFF --alias=Refrigerated_truck
#Remove a ble device from the whitelist:
     apx-bbs remove --mac=AABBCCDDEEFF
#Get information about the devices:
     apx-bbs get --mac=AABBCCDDEEFF
     apx-bbs get_all



Start device counters for ignition, distance and other metrics.

 apx-counter [action] [namespace]
 apx-counter [action] [namespace] [key] [value]
 apx-counter [action] [namespace] [key]
startMust be followed by namespace. Will start the desired namespace. Creates it if it doesn't exist.
stopMust be followed by namespace. Will stop the desired namespace.
resetMust be followed by namespace. Will stop the desired namespace and resets the counter key values.
resetallSame as above only that thresholds are reset to default values.
setMust be followed by namespace key value. Key has its value set to value.
getMust be followed by namespace key. Will return the value of the key.
getallMust be followed by namespace. Will return the value of all of the keys.
deleteMust be followed by namespace. Will delete the namespace.
listNot followed by anything. Will list information about all known counters.
helpPrints this help message
ODOMETERDistance traveled in meters with ignition on.
IGNITION_TIMETotal time ignition has been on in seconds.
IDLE_TIMETotal time ignition has been on in seconds with no distance traveled after the time defined in BEGIN_IDLE_TIME.
OVER_SPEEDTotal time in seconds that the speed has exceeded the threshold value defined in SPEED_THRESHOLD
OVER_RPMTotal time in seconds that the RPM has exceeded the threshold value defined in RPM_THRESHOLD
HARD_BRAKESTotal number of hard brakes produced.
HARSH_FWD_ACCELERATIONTotal number of harsh accelerations produced.
DISTANCEThe distance traveled in meters with no ignition.
RPM_THRESHOLDKey to define an RPM value that the vehicle must exceed to begin incrementing OVER_RPM
SPEED_THRESHOLDKey to define a speed value (km/h) that the vehicle must exceed to begin incrementing OVER_SPEED
BEGIN_IDLE_TIMEKey to define how long to wait in minutes before incrementing IDLE_TIME. Default 5 minutes


Namespace restrictions

The namespace for the custom counters has the following restrictions

  • Max length 50 characters
  • No uppercase letters
  • No spaces
  • No symbols

We recommend you define a schema like: type:name:counter

apx-counter start driver:john:0


# start custom counter
$ apx-counter start custom1

# set the speed threshold to 100km/h for custom1
$ apx-counter set custom1 SPEED_THRESHOLD 100

# get all the values of custom1 counters
$ apx-counter getall custom1



Tool to consult the current state of the ecu application and read data from a vehicle's onboard computer using the CAN Bus.

 apx-ecu [<action>] [--arguments]
configureThis will return the current configuration used.
listen_modeThis will return the current listen_mode being used.
list_parametersNot followed by any arguments. Returns a JSON of all the parameters read with the unique id and value.
logThis takes three arguments.
The valid arguments are --log_time, --file_name, and --log_interface.
Where --log_time is the time in seconds starting from 1 second up to 40 seconds to save to the log file --file_name from the --log_interface.
The file name is a relative file path name and only letters and numbers are allowed for the file name up to 20 characters long.
All logs are saved in /data/users/syrus4g/ecumonitor/ecu_logs/.
statusThis will return the current state of the ecumonitor application. It includes a timestamp with the reference time that indicates the last time that the Syrus4 device received data from the CAN bus and the available parameters.
restartNot followed by any arguments. Restarts the ecumonitor.
clearNot followed by any arguments. Will clear any previous returned by list_parameters command.
versionNot followed by any arguments. Will return the version of this tool and the version of the ecumonitor core application.
decodeThis may take two arguments. The valid arguments are --unique_id and --value. This will decode the --value from the --unique_id returning a different JSON based on the unique_id to decode. If no arguments are passed then the list of valid unique_ids will be printed.
helpReturns this help message.
log[--log_time=<time_in_seconds>] [--file_name=<file_name>] [--log_interface=<interface>]
decode[--unique_id=<unique_id>] [--value=<value>]


# Decode a J1939 data trouble code*
$ apx-ecu decode --unique_id=feca_3-6 --value=2114126001
# *Note this requires the definition of PGN: `feca` start_position: `3-6` in your ecumonitor.conf

# Perform a candump for 40 seconds from 2 CAN interfaces.
# Remeber to use ecumonitor.conf file to configure the interfaces.
$ apx-ecu restart
$ apx-ecu clear
$ apx-ecu log --log_time=40 --log_interface=PRIMARY_CAN --file_name=logTruck500.log
$ apx-ecu log --log_time=40 --log_interface=SECONDARY_CAN --file_name=logTruck250.log
$ apx-ecu list_parameters
# Note that underscores are not allowed for the name of the log file

# clear and list ecu parameters
$ apx-ecu clear
$ apx-ecu list_parameters



Manage the ethernet interface on the device. Allows you to configure DHCP mode or other network configuration.

 apx-ethernet <command> [<args=value>]
restartUse this option for restarting the ethernet interface
statusReturns the current state of the ethernet interface
set [OPTIONS]Returns the current state of the ethernet interface
versionReturns the tool version
helpPrints this help message
-r, --routeUse this option for forwarding the ethernet traffic to another interface, it allows the connected device to have internet access by specifying the output interface. Valid values are: wlan0, ppp0 (Mobile network), both, and none.
-i, --ipUse this option for changing the interface IP address and mask
-g, --gatewayUse this option for changing the gateway address
-d, --dnsUse this option for changing the dns address
-s, --dhcpUse this option for enabling the DHCPServer on this interface. So, when a device is connected to the device ethernet, it assigns an IP address to the connected devices.
-f, --defaultBy using this option the ethernet IP address is assigned by the network.


# Uses the IP address assigned by the network
$ sudo apx-ethernet set --default

# Configure the ethernet in DHCP mode
$ sudo apx-ethernet set --dhcp

# Set the IP address of the ethernet interface
$ sudo apx-ethernet set --ip=

# Configure the ethernet network with dhcp enabled
$ sudo apx-ethernet set --ip= --gateway= --dns= --dhcp --route=none
# Where: = Device IP/Mask
#  = Gateway address
#        = DNS
#        yes            = DHCP server enabled
#        none           = Traffic is not routed to another interface

# Route ethernet traffic to both wlan0 and ppp0 interface
$ sudo apx-ethernet --route=both

# Restart the ethernet inteface
$ sudo apx-ethernet restart

# Check the ethernet status
$ sudo apx-ethernet status



Tool that adds and removes geofences on the device. Note that a maximum of 3000 geofences can be saved as of apex version 20.12

*Add a geofence

apx-geofences add [namespace] [group] [type] [name] [radius] [lon,lat] [...]


apx-geofences add places parks circular country_village_park 100 -80.305340,25.943784
apx-geofences add --namespace=places --group=parks --type=circular --name=village_park --radius=100 --coord="-80.305340,25.943784"

with speed limits:
apx-geofences add --namespace=places --group=parks --type=circular --name=village --radius=100 --speed-limits="uphill,50,100,200" --coord="-80.305340,25.943784"
namespaceName of the namespace. If no namespace, specify an empty string "". Max 30 characters
groupName of the group. If no group, specify an empty string "". Max 30 characters, min 3 characters
typeType of geofence. Must be circular or poly
nameName of the geofence. Max 50 characters
radiusOptional Radius of the geofence in meters, required for circular geofences. Min 50 meters. Max 20000 meters.
lon,latLongitude and latitude coordinates in the format decimal degrees: -80.3471745,25.917071. Max 500 pairs of coordinates. Minimum of 3 pairs of coordinates for a poly type geofence
speed_limitsThe speed limits must be setup guided by the following format: ,<speed_limit1>,<min_heading1>,<max_heading1> ,<speed_limit2>,<min_heading2>,<max_heading2>. For more information Speeding in Geofences
AliasString of max 15 characters, this value is mandatory.
Speed limitInteger, this value is mandatory.
Min HeadingInteger from 0° to 359°, this value is optional, if it isn’t found the app assumes that is 0° and only one speed limit will be evaluated.
Max HeadingInteger from 0° to 359°, this value is optional, if it isn’t found the app assumes that is 359° and only one speed limit will be evaluated.

For syruslang use go here Geofences signals

Remove a geofence

  apx-geofences remove [namespace] [group] [name]

$ apx-geofences remove places parks country_village_park

Remove all geofences of a namespace

  apx-geofences remove [namespace]

$ apx-geofences remove places

# Note that it is not possible to remove a group, you would have to remove all the geofences from a group one by one or remove the namespace

Get a list of all namespaces that exist

$ apx-geofences getns

To get all the information of the geofences of a specific namespace

  apx-geofences getall [namespace]

$ apx-geofences getall places


  • namespace: Name of the namespace
  • group: Name of the group
  • geo_name: Name of the geofence
  • type: poly or circular
  • radius: Radius of circular geofence in meters
  • n_vertices: Number of lon,lat pairs in the geofence
  • vertices: Lon,lat pairs

To count the number of geofences that exist in namespace[s]

  apx-geofences count [namespace]

$ apx-geofences count places

To get the current state of each geofence of a specific namespace

  apx-geofences getstatus [namespace]

$ apx-geofences getstatus places


  • group: Name of group
  • geo_name: Name of geofence
  • is_inside: True if device is currently inside the geofence


Get Status of Geofence Inside

Note that if you create a geofence around the location of your device the getstatus command will return that it's is_inside: true.

To get the current version of the tool

$ apx-geofences version
{"version": "0.0.5"}
22Invalid argument
80Max number of geofences reached
81Geofence not found
82Missing parameter
127Unknown command


# Create a polygonal geofence around 25.935469,-80.333524 25.934948,-80.328439 25.933375,-80.328321 25.933558,-80.333310
$ apx-geofences add places parks poly park_norman_jean -80.333524,25.935469 -80.328439,25.934948 -80.328321,25.933375 -80.333310,25.933558

# Print the geofences that are in the namespace places
$ apx-geofences getall places


Tool to import and export geofences massively on the device.

 apx-geofences-manager [option] [arguments]
importCreate geofences in batch using syruslang scripting command, the tool requires arguments: namespace and path.
exportExport geofences to a single file. Accepts arguments: format, namespace, and file.
--removeRemove all geofences in the namespace before start importing
--dry-runRun command to proccess without creating geofences
--format · -fFormat to be exported, accepted values are: syruslang,geojson
--namespace · -nNamespace to be export or imported
--path · -pPath to file destination where import geofences or path where to export destination. Must be a syrus.conf and contains syruslang script language or a .geojson with valid geojson data
# Contents of /data/downloads/geofences.syrus.conf 
# polygonal
define geofence terminal_a_1416 group=mygroup1 -80.27661,25.79784 -80.27358,25.79897 -80.27091,25.79904 -80.27083,25.79689 -80.2734,25.79728 -80.27561,25.79676 -80.27638,25.79674 -80.27661,25.79784
# circle
define geofence sample_circle_geofence_27422 group=mygroup2 radius=50mts -122.08570313535118,37.42169546752972

# Import geofences from '/data/downloads/geofences.syrus.conf' with the namespace 'myplaces' to the device.
$ apx-geofences-manager import -p /data/downloads/geofences.syrus.conf -n myplaces

# Export geofences on the device from the namespace: 'myplaces' into Syruslang format with the name: '/data/downloads/geofences_applications.syrus.conf'
$ apx-geofences-manager export -f syruslang -n myplaces -p /data/downloads/geofences_applications.syrus.conf



Allows you to control the GNSS/GPS interface on the device.

 apx-gps <command> [<options>]
statusWill display the current position, the GNSS engine, the application version, the satellites on view, the DOP, and the configuration parameters
onWill enable the GNSS module
offWill disable the GNSS module
restartWill power off/on the GNSS module
positionUse this option to consult the current position
cold-startWill execute a cold start on the GNSS module
warm-startWill execute a warm start on the GNSS module
hot-startWill execute a hot start on the GNSS module
antenna-onPower on the GNSS antenna, 3.3 Volts are placed on the antenna connector
antenna-offPower off the GNSS antenna
antenna-stAntenna state (if it's connected or not)
set-filter [options]Use this option to configure the GNSS anti-drift filter, it receives as options the hdop, motion and speed(km/h). Valid ranges: 1.0 <= hdop <= 5.0; motion true/false; 0 <= speed < 100
set-rateUse this option to change the GNSS nmea sentece output frequency. Valid options are 1, 5, and 10 Hz
backlog createWill create a GNSS backlog file, it receives as parameters the file name --name and the time window --time-win, the time window limit is 300 seconds
backlog statusReturns the state of the GNSS backlog file specified with the --name argument
set [options]Use this option to enable or disable the simulation or nmea-log mode
versionReturns the tool version
helpPrints this help
set-filter[--hdop=<value>] [--motion=<value>] [--speed=<value>]
backlog create[--name=<value>] [--time-win=<value>]
backlog status[--name=<value>]
set[--simulation-mode=<true/false>] [--nmea-log=<true/false>]


# Get the gps state
$ apx-gps status
# Where: TIME           = GMT Timestamp in ISOFORMAT
#        ENGINE         = GPS chip
#        VERSION        = GPS version
#        FIX            = Fix quality, 1: 'Fix not available', 2: '2D', 3: '3D' (
#            lat        = Latitude
#            lon        = Longitude
#            alt        = Altitude in meters above mean sea level
#            speed      = Speed in km/h
#            heading    = Heading in degrees from North, increasing eastwardly
#            epoch      = GPS epoch timestamp
#        filter         = anti-drift filter settings
#            hdop       = Min hdop
#            motion     = True if it needs to detect motion with accelerometer
#            speed      = Minimum speed
#        rate           = Rate of gps update (in Hz)
#        antenna        = Antenna status (disconnected, connected, or short-circuit)

# Perform a warm-start on the GPS module
$ apx-gps warm-start

# Change the GPS anti-drift filter to hdop of 1.8, movement detected, with speed of 50 km/h
$ apx-gps set-filter --hdop=1.8 --motion=true --speed=50

# Get the latest location
$ apx-gps position

# Generate a backlog of the last 60 seconds, and next 20 seconds from now
$ apx-gps backlog create --name=mybacklog --time-win=-60,20

# Get the status of the gnss backlog
$ apx-gps backlog status --name=mybacklog

# Set Simulation mode
$ apx-gps set --simulation-mode=true

GNSS/GPS Simulator


This tool lets you simulate tracking points in order to test geofences, speed limits, changes in heading, and anything related to the GPS.

apx-gps-sim <command>
versionReturns the tool version.
startStart the simulator.
stopStop the simulator.
helpPrint this help.

Once the simulation has started you can use the following actions to control the application

statusPrint the current status of the simulator.
resetReset all values of the current simulation.
set --<option>=<value>Used to set the GPS values.
stopStop the simulation.
helpPrints this help again.
--debugPrint on screen the json messages that are being generated. i.e set --debug=on
--latSet GPS Latitude in degrees, use negative for South. i.e set --lat=-34.12345
--lonSet GPS Longitude in degrees, use negative for West. i.e set --lon=-134.12345
--altSet GPS Altitude in meters. i.e set --alt=1568
--headSet GPS heading. (0-359) i.e set --head=64
--speedSet GPS speed in kilometers per hour. i.e set --speed=25
--pdopSet GPS PDOP. i.e set --pdop=3
--vdopSet GPS VDOP. i.e set --vdop=2
--hdopSet GPS HDOP. i.e set --hdop=3
--qltSet GPS NMEA-GGA fix quality. (0-8).
- 0: invalid.
- 1: GPS fix.
- 2: DGPS fix.
- 3: PPS fix.
- 4: Real Time Kinematic.
- 5: Float RTK.
- 6: DR.
- 7: Manual mode.
- 8: Simulation mode.
i.e set --qlt=2 --> Default 1
--fixSet GPS NMEA-GSA 3D-fix. (1-3).
- 1: No fix.
- 2: 2D fix.
- 3: 3D fix.
i.e set --fix=1 --> Default 3
movement commanddescription
moveThe Coordinates change according to speed and heading set, the simulation must first be started with the 'start' command. Speed must be greater than 0 to see some movement.
pauseStop the simulation and keep the values, except for the speed, which will be reset to 0 km/h.
+Increase speed by 1 kph.
-Decrease speed by 1kph.
oSet speed to 0 kph.
dMove heading 1 degree to the right.
aMove heading 1 degree to the left.
D or LIncrease longitude. D increases by 0.00001, L by 0.001.
A or JDecrease longitude. A decreases by 0.00001, J by 0.001.
W or IIncrease latitude. W increases by 0.00001, I by 0.001.
S or KDecrease latitude. S decreases by 0.00001, K by 0.001.

Once started it simulates the location of the device with the coordinates of the last known GPS.

Here's an example of a typical simulation. Each command goes one after the other.

# Start the simulator
apx-gps-sim start 

# actions
set --speed=50
set --head=64

The above commands will start moving the device in a heading of 64° (North East) at 50 km/h. We can visualize the movement in the GPS section of the Management Tool or Pegasus.

To test events inside and outside of some geofence group use the following script, in this case we want to know if the vehicle entered into any geofence of the group "harrys_team" and to send an event if the vehicle entered with more than 10 kph.

# Define a tracking resolution
define tracking_resolution standard 30deg 20sec 500mts

# Generate an event when it meets any of the tracking resolution criteria
define event track group=tracking ack=seq label=trckpnt code=0 trigger=@tracking_resolution.standard.signal

# Signal for inside the geofence
define signal sg_geo_privet min_duration=1sec $geofences.harrys_team.inside

# Speed limit signals
define signal speed_zone_10 min_duration=1s $gnss.kph > 10
define signal speed_zone_15 min_duration=1s $gnss.kph > 15
define signal speed_zone_20 min_duration=1s $gnss.kph > 20
define signal speed_zone_50 min_duration=1s $gnss.kph > 50
define signal speed_zone_100 min_duration=1s $gnss.kph > 100

# Event for inside the geofence while speeding above 10km/h
define event speeding_10 group=tracking ack=seq label=speeding10 code=10 trigger=sg_geo_privet,speed_zone_10,and



This tool allows the management of the parameters associated with the inputs and outputs. Click here for legacy version of this tool

 apx-io <action> <key> <value>
 apx-io <action> <key>
 apx-io <action>
setMust be followed by key and value. Will set desired output for the device.
getMust be followed by key. Will obtain the value of the desired key
getallMust be followed by key. Will obtain all of the values for the desired key
statusPrints virtual ignition status
helpPrints all the usages
pulse_counterMust be followed by key. Will set the start, stop or resume of the pulse counter.

Allowed values


keys: OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, OUT4, virtualign and BUZZER (The buzzer key is only compatible with S4 Lite), Only valid for Pulse Counter :IN1, IN2, IN3

values: for OUTX keys = true or false or
--times = integer between 1-10
--on = from 20 to 1000 (milliseconds)
--off = from 20 to 1000 (milliseconds)

for virtualign key
--signal = IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4, IN5, IN6, IN7, PWR, MOT, AN1, AN2, DAN
--on_threshold = from 0 to 28000 for ANx signals 0 or 1 for INx signals
--off_threshold = from 0 to 28000 for ANx signals 0 or 1 for INx signals
--on_time = from 0 to 60 (seconds)
--off_time = from 0 to 60 (seconds)

for BUZZER key

--mode = user, imu, user_imu (You can take the control of the buzzer in user and user_imu modes)

--times = integer between 1-10
--on = from 10 to 1000 (milliseconds)
--off = from 10 to 1000 (milliseconds)

**Note: The sum of the on and off times cannot exceed 1000 milliseconds.

for IN1, IN2, IN3 keys

--mode = pulse_counter


keys: OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, OUT4, IGN, IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4, IN5, IN6, IN7, PWR, MOT, SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, TIG, AN1, AN2, DAN, BAT


keys: outputs, inputs, analogs


key: virtualign


# Activate output 2:
$ apx-io set OUT2 true

# Activate output 4, 3 times, ON for 1000ms and OFF for 1000ms
$ apx-io set OUT4 --times=3 --on=1000 --off=1000 

# Get the value of all the analog inputs:
$ apx-io getall analogs

# Set virtual ignition with Analog Input 2
# Detects ON when the value is above 5000mV for 5 seconds, OFF when below 5000 for 5 seconds
$ apx-io set virtualign --signal=AN2 --on_threshold=5000 --off_threshold=5000 --on_time=5 --off_time=5

# Set and trigger the buzzer for the S4 Lite
# First the user mode must be set.
$ apx-io set BUZZER --mode=user
# Then the buzzer must be trigger.
$ apx-io set BUZZER --times=5 --on=400 --off=500

Pulse counter example:


Inputs work in Pulse Counter Mode or Normal Mode

The device inputs will either work in Pulse Counter Mode or Normal Mode but not both at the same time.

$ apx-io pulse_counter --start/--stop
$ apx-io pulse_counter --resume/--status/--count

$ apx-io set IN1 --mode=pulse_counter

Safe Immobilization

Tool that activates the device's safe immobilization feature. This feature activates the device's output 1 after certain conditions are met - thereby making it a safe activation.
Caution should always be exercised if using this to immobilize a vehicle.

   apx-seco <command> [<options>]


set [options]Command to enable/disable the SECO mode and the SECO trigger
statusIt returns a json object with the current state of the SECO mechanism
versionReturns the tool version
helpPrint this help


-m, --modeValid values are enable and disable. When enabled, the user can not control the output 1 via 'apx-io set out1' command
-t, --triggerValid values are enable and disable. When enabled, the SECO mechanism will try to activate the output 1 when safety conditions are met. Use disable to cancel the instruction or deactivate the output 1


# enable the safe immobilization mechanism
$ apx-seco set --mode=enable

# activate output 1 safely
$ apx-seco set --trigger=enable

# check the status
$ apx-seco status



Tool to manage the LTE module of the device. Allows you to configure the APN and other configuration related parameters as well as perform actions like sending an SMS, enabling airplane mode, or converting text to speech.

 apx-mdm <command> [<args=value>]


statusUse this option to consult the current state and general information about modem network registration and configuration parameters.It returns a json object.
restartUse this option for restarting the modem device.
call [OPTIONS]\Use this for starting a voice call
end-callUse this option for ending an established voice call.
set [OPTIONS]\Configure parameters used by the modem application
phone-book [SUBCOMMAND] [OPTIONS]Use this command to manage the phone book
tts [OPTIONS]Use this command to convert text to speech
versionReturns the tool version.


set [OPTIONS] - Use this option to configure the parameters used by the modem application

-a, --apnThe access point name. Set to none to remove the value.
-p, --pinThe SIM card PIN. Set to none to remove the value
-u, --userThe username for the APN. Set to none to remove the value.
-p, --passThe password to access the APN. Set to none to remove the value.
-b, --sim_sw_intervalThe time interval in hours for changing from external SIM to embedded when no data connection is reached (default: 4). Use 0 to never switch to the other SIM.
-c, --sim_priorityWith this parameter, you can specify the sim card to use: e-sim embedded (default) or sim-card external
-k, --keep_aliveThe time interval in minutes to check the data connection. The default is 15 min, minimum: 1 min, and the maximum: 60,000 min. A value of 0 deactivates the keep-alive.
-v, --call_validationUse true for validating the phone number before answering the call, it depends on the authorized phone list added with phone_book option. By default, the device validates the phone number before answering the call
-m, --sms-validationUse 'true' for validating the phone number before processing the incoming sms, it depends on the authorized phone list added with phone_book option. By default, the device validates the phone number before processing the incoming sms
-f, --airplane_modeUse true for entering in airplane mode and false for returning to normal mode.
-j, --jamning-levelThe received signal strength indication threshold to evaluate jamming.
Default value: -40. Range: -90 to -25. Unit: dBm. By using values lower than -40, the device is going to detect less powerful jamming signals, however, this increases the chance to have fake jamming detections.
-o, --operator-swUse this option to enable (1) or disable (0) the operator switching mechanism. This functionality helps the device switch between operators when connectivity issues occur. To enable it, you must also configure the whitelist, keep-alive, and sim-header.
-l, --whitelistUse this option to configure the list of available operators for connection. Before adding operators to the list, ensure your SIM connection profile is properly configured and verify that all listed operators are accessible for connection.
-r, --sim-headerUse this option to configure the SIM card header, which is used to verify whether the inserted SIM card supports switching between whitelisted operators.
-e, --operatorUse this option to set the operator to use. The value must be the operator code and it has to be included in the whitelist.


phone-book [SUBCOMMAND] [OPTIONS] - Use this command to add, remove and consult the authorized phone book list

addUse this option to add a phone number to the authorized list.
removeUse this option to remove a phone number from the authorized list.
listUse this option to consult the phone number authorized list.
-n, --numberThe phone number to add or remove


Disable the call identifier to answer calls from unregistered numbers

If you want Syrus to answer a call from a number not in the phone_book remember to first disable the call validation:

# disable call validation
$ apx-mdm set --call-validation=false

# place a call to the Syrus sim's number and it'll pick up
# remember you can use the apx-mdm end-call to end the call from the Syrus side


send [OPTIONS] - Use this command to send SMSs

-s, --smsThe message to be sent.
-n, --numberThe destination phone number


call [OPTIONS] - Use this option for starting a voice call

-n, --numberThe phone number to call


tts [OPTIONS] - Text to speech. Use this option to turn text into sounding by using the Bluetooth speaker connected

-t, --textThe text to be reproduced


# Set the APN of the regular SIM card (not embedded)
$ apx-mdm set --apn="" --user=myuser --pass=mypass

# Set the APN, remove the user and pass
$ apx-mdm set --user=none --pass=none

# Set the priority of the SIM card used to the regular SIM (not embedded):
$ apx-mdm set --sim-priority=sim-card

# Add phone number to the phone book:
$ apx-mdm phone-book add -n=3013333333

# Send an SMS to 3013333333
$ apx-mdm send --n=3013333333 --sms='Testing Syrus4 SMS'

# Start a call with the number: 3013333333
$ apx-mdm call -number='+13013333333'

# Speak command
$ apx-mdm tts --text='Testing text to speech'

# Get the state of the LTE modem
$ apx-mdm state
{"manufacturer":"Quectel","revision":"EG25GGBR07A06M2G","model":"EG25","imei":"867698040023056","sim_imsi":"732123200007701","sim_state":"Not in Use","sim_type":"EMBEDDED","sim_id":"89883234500011949724","gsm_reg":1,"modem_state":"ON","gprs_reg":1,"rat":"FDD LTE","mcc_mnc":310260,"band":"LTE BAND 2","operator":"Wireless","esim_state":"READY","ip":"","esim_imsi":"310260859157280","esim_id":"8901260852391572807F","rssi":15,"no_conn_time":0,"lac":8181,"cid":"24A8F0E","sim_sw_interval":8,"keep_alive":15,"sim_priority":"e-sim","apn":"super"}

# Set the operator switching mechanism
apx-mdm set --operator-sw=1 --sim-header=89012 --keep-alive=5 --whitelist=[302610,302220]

# Force the device to use 302610 as operator
apx-mdm set --operator=302610


Manages the ppp connection to the internet with the specified profile.

 apx-ppp [option] profile
startStarts the pppd deamon with the profile specified
stopStops the pppd process
stateReturns 0 if daemon is running and ppp0 interface has an IP, 1 otherwise
helpPrints this help message


$ apx-ppp start default


Manage devices that communicate via the 1-wire bus system like temperature probes, IButtons or IO's Expander.



All commands related to the IO's Expander are only available from the following versions:

  • APEX 24.11.01
  • syrus-onewire 2.1.2
  • apx-onewire 0.2.0


Use this Apex tool to add/remove onewire devices to or from the whitelists found in /data/users/syrus4g/onewire/. This tool also allows to get information about the onewire devices connected.

 apx-onewire [type] [action] 
 apx-onewire [type] [action] [argument_1] [argument_2] ... [argument_n]
IOs Expander arguments
IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4, OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, OUT4
addFollowed by argument_1 and argument_2. Will add the alias found in argument_1 with the onewire id number found in argument_2 to the white list based on the valid type. Alias cannot be empty, must be of 50 characters or less, and cannot contain the character ':'. The onewire id must be exactly 16 characters long therefore you must place padding with leading zeros to complete the 16 digits.
removeFollowed by argument_1. The argument_1 can be either the alias or the onewire id which will be removed from the white list based on the valid type.
remove_allNot followed by any arguments. Will remove all of the onewire devices based on the type specified from the corresponding white list.
remove_lastNot followed by any arguments. Will remove records of the last onewire device discovered.
getFollowed by argument_1. The argument_1 can be either the alias or the onewire id. Returns an object with information about the onewire device based on the type given.
get_allNot followed by any arguments, returns an array of objects for all the onewire devices based on the type specified.
get_lastNot followed by any arguments, returns an object of the last onewire device that was connected based on the type specified.
restartNot followed by any arguments, not preceded by a type, will restart the onewire application.
resetNot followed by any arguments, not preceded by a type, will reset the onewire application. Deleting all white list files as well as previous information about past onewire devices.
helpNot followed by any arguments, not preceded by a type, will print this message.
versionNot followed by any arguments, not preceded by a type, will return the core and the tool version.
statusNot followed by any arguments, not preceded by a type, will return the status of the onewire bus. 0 meaning operation is normal. -1 meaning that there is a fault in the onewire bus.
setOnly for IOs Expander, followed by argument_1 and argument_2. The argument_1 must be the capitalized name of the output to be configured, The argument_2 must be true or false depending on what is desired.


# add ibutton with alias: 'driver 1'
$ apx-onewire ibutton add 'driver 1' 0123456789123401

# read all ibuttons
$ apx-onewire ibutton get_all
{"ibuttons":[{"alias":"driver 1","id":"0012331241412401","whitelisted":true,"connected":false,"conn_epoch":null,"disc_epoch":null}]}

# add temperature alias for room1
$ apx-onewire temperature add room1 3501144D2797AA28

# read all temperatures
$ apx-onewire temperature get_all

# read all IO's
$ apx-onewire iosexpander get_all

# read one Input or Output
$ apx-onewire iosexpander get IN2

# read IO's status
$ apx-onewire iosexpander status

# set outputs
$ apx-onewire iosexpander set OUT3 true

People Counting


Tool to manage the people counting camera.

 apx-ndm-pc <command> [--<option>=<value>]
startstarts the people counting.
stopstops the people counting.
resetreset the internal people counters.
statusget actual counters status.
report [OPTIONS]returns the JSON formatted report.
report[--from=<value>] [--to=<value>]

The report is used to request a summary of the people counted


  • from: epoch format -> 1668798420
  • to: epoch format -> 1668798420
# Start
$ apx-ndm-pc start

# Stop
$ apx-ndm-pc stop

# Reset
$ apx-ndm-pc reset

# Status
$ apx-ndm-pc status

# Report
$ apx-ndm-pc report --from=1665316800 --to=1665331200

Power Save


Tool to manage the device's power save mode.The power save mode is ON by default where the device goes into a low power consumption mode after 5 minutes without the ignition wire detected. This behavior can be overwritten with this tool. Syrus 4 consumes ~200mA when using GNSS, modem and wifi, thus it's recommended to always have a power save mode configured, to avoid any issues with a car's battery for example.

Default PSM_STRING: IGN:0,SLP:300;IGN,MIN:720;300

 apx-psm [action] [PSM_string]
immediateThis action is not followed by PSM_string, instead it orders the device to enter Power Save Mode with the previously loaded configuration. When a previous PSM doesn't exist the device will use the default PSM.
modeMust be followed by PSM_string and the only valid format is sleep_condition;wakeup_condition;wait_time. Signals for the conditions are separated by commas (,) and conditions are separated by semicolons (;). All of the sleep_condition signals must have a valid value of 0 or 1 and the colon (:) character must be used to separate between signal and value. Note: MIN is the only signal for wakeup_condition that has a value. SLP signal cannot exist without a MIN signal and vice versa. Be sure to encapsulate PSM_string with "Quotation Marks"
helpPrints this message.
guideGuides the user on how to properly create a Power Save Mode string. Note The device will be configured with the results of this guide.

Configuration of the [PSM_string]
First enter the sleep_condition. This is the condition the device must meet so that it will go into Power Save Mode. This condition is broken into signal:value separated by commas where only the valid signals below are allowed and the only valid values are 0 (inactive) or 1 (active)

sleep_condition signalsdescription
IGNIgnition state.
IN1Input 1 state.
IN2Input 2 state.
IN3Input 3 state.
IN4Input 4 state.
IN5Input 5 state.
IN6Input 6 state.
IN7Input 7 state.
PWRExternal power state.
MOTMotion state.
SO1Short-circuit on output 1.
SO2Short-circuit on output 2.
SO3Short-circuit on output 3.
SO4Short-circuit on output 4.
TIGIgnition from main power supply state, this ignition is detected based on the signal frequency
SLPTime to wait for the device to go back into sleep mode in seconds (300 - 65535 seconds)

Next enter the wakeup_condition. This is the condition that lets the device know how it should return from the Power Save Mode. The device will wake up upon any of the given wake up signals being met. Only use the valid wake up condition signals described below. The only signal that uses a value is 'MIN' and this signal lets the device know how often to wake up. Example: MIN:10 will wake up every 10 minutes.

wakeup_condition signalsdescription
IN1Will wake up based any change detected in input 1.
IN2Will wake up based any change detected in input 2.
IN3Will wake up based any change detected in input 3.
IN4Will wake up based any change detected in input 4.
IN5Will wake up based any change detected in input 5.
IN6Will wake up based any change detected in input 6.
IN7Will wake up based any change detected in input 7.
IGNWill wake up upon ignition signal change.
PWRWill wake up upon external power source signal change.
SO1Wake up due to a short in output 1.
SO2Wake up due to a short in output 2.
SO3Wake up due to a short in output 3.
SO4Wake up due to a short in output 4.
MOTWill let the device wake up upon motion being detected.
MINLets the device know how often, in minutes, to wake up. 1 - 65536 (note this needs a value)

Lastly, enter the wait_time. This is the time the sleep condition must be met and sustained before the device will into Power Save Mode. This number is defined in seconds. The wait time must be between 300 seconds (5 minutes) or 65536 seconds (18 hours) inclusive.


About Power Saving Mode

Note that there is no way to remove the power save mode, however you can configure it in a way so that the device never falls asleep


# Set the power save mode to go to sleep after 240 seconds (4min) (240) of no ignition detected (IGN:0), wake up for 5 minutes (SLP:300) every 10 minutes (MIN:10) or end the power save mode when motion is detected (MOT).
$ apx-psm mode "IGN:0,SLP:300;MOT,MIN:10;240"

# Set the power save mode to go to sleep after 300 seconds (300) of no movement detected (MOT:0), and wake up only when input1 is detected (IN1).
$ apx-psm mode "MOT:0;IN1;300"

# Set the power save mode to go to sleep after 5 minutes (300) of no movement or ignition (MOT:0,IGN:0), wake up every 2 hours (MIN:120) for 3 minutes (SLP:180) or end the power save mode when INPUT 1, or IGNITION, or MOTION is detected (IN1,IGN,MOT).
$ apx-psm mode "MOT:0,IGN:0,SLP:180;IN1,IGN,MOT,MIN:120;300"



This tool allows you to configure the RFID mode, check the current status, and perform various actions related to RFID functionality. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily adjust RFID settings, monitor real-time status updates, and execute specific commands. Additionally, by using Syrus Cloud profiles, you can upload the RFID authorized list to the device, enabling it to recognize specific IDs and perform predefined actions based on those credentials. Whether you need to enable or disable certain features, troubleshoot connectivity issues, or ensure seamless integration with other systems, this tool provides a convenient and efficient way to manage RFID operations.

apx-rfid <command> [<option>=<value>]
set [OPTIONS]Use this option to set the RFID mode.
get [OPTIONS]Use --last to get the last ID read or --id=xxx... to consult if a specific ID is part of the authorized list.
clear [OPTIONS]Use this command to clear the last ID read.
statusUse this command to consult the current state.
-i, --idThe ID to be consulted.
-a, --aliasThe alias associated with an ID.
-m, --modeValid modes are drexia or default. Drexia mode is used to convert ibutton IDs in RF IDs.
-l, --lenUse this field to set the length of the drexia ID to be read. Valid values are 3 and 4.
--lastTo get the last ID read.
   apx-rfid set --mode=drexia
   apx-rfid set --mode=drexia --len=4
   apx-rfid get --id=1234
   apx-rfid get --alias=Driver_1
   apx-rfid get --last
   apx-rfid clear --last

Serial Interface

Manage the RS-232 interface of the device to communicate with accessories via the serial port.


Configures the RS-232 serial interface in different modes for communication with serial accessories such as Satcom & Sigfox communicator, fatigue sensor, mobile data terminal, rfid reader, or fuel level sensor.

apx-serial <command> [<option>=<value>]
restartUse this option to restart the serial module.
set [OPTIONS]Use this option to set the serial work mode.
get [OPTIONS]Use this option to get the current serial work mode.
send [OPTIONS]Use this command to send data through the serial port
--modeUsed with set or get command.
--msgMessage to be send; To use with the send command. Valid: Any string
--canonicalThis option is only valid in console mode. Valid values are 0 (to turn it off) and 1 (to turn it on).
serial_expanderUsed when the Serial Expander device is connected.
fatigue_sensorUsed when an fatigue sensor device is connected.
fuel_sensorUsed when an fuel sensor device is connected.
flow_meterUsed when an flow meter device is connected.
consoleUsed for interact with the Syrus device through a serial terminal at 115200 8 n 1, using apex commands.
modemUsed when Satcom or Sigfox accessories are connected.
mdsm7Used when a MDSM7 device is connected.
rfidUsed when an RFID device is connected. This mode can also be used to extract IDs from serial streams. The ID extracted will be notified as an RFID.
userUsed when you want to leave the serial port free for your use.
mdtUsed for MDT data transmission.
mdt_rs485Used for MDT data transmission via RS485. Use the same apx-serial-mdt tool to configure and interact with the RS485 device.
mdas9Used when a MDAS9 device is connected


apx commands

Note that there are separate apx commands for console modem, mdt fatigue sensor fuel level sensor , user, expander, flow meter, mdsm7, rfid and mdas9 integration.

  apx-serial restart
  apx-serial get --mode
  apx-serial set --mode=console
  apx-serial set --mode=fuel_sensor
  apx-serial set --mode=mdas9
  # sending a message over TAIP
  apx-serial send --msg=">RTXmessage<"


Used to communicate with a fatigue sensor. The photos captured by the fatigue sensor are automatically stored in: /data/users/syrus4g/fatigue_sensor.

apx-serial-ftgs <command> [<option=value>]
state/status Use this command to consult the current mode state.
listIt returns the list of the photos stored in the device memory.
set [OPTIONS]Use this command to set the different options listed after.
get [OPTIONS]Use this command to get the different options listed after.
uploadUse this command to upload the photos to the syrus4 server.
capture_photoUse this command to capture a photo.
delete_photosUse this command to delete all the photos stored.
--sensitivitySensor sensitivity. Range 2-11. Default 3.
--min_speedRefers to the warning start-up speed. Range 10-60. Default 10 km/h.
--speedingSensor speed alarm rate. Range 50-150. Default 50.
--max_photosMax number of photos that can be stored in the device memory. Range 10-100. Default 25.
--speaker_volumeSensor speaker volume. Range 0-2. Default 2.
--auto_uploadWhen enabled, the application will automatically upload the photos to the syrus4 server.
0: disabled, 1: enabled. Default disabled
sensitivityapproximate delay time in seconds to alarm
22.2 seconds
32.9 seconds
43.7 seconds
54.5 seconds
65.3 seconds
76.1 seconds
86.9 seconds
97.7 seconds
108.5 seconds
1115 seconds
apx-serial-ftgs state

apx-serial-ftgs list

apx-serial-ftgs upload

apx-serial-ftgs capture_photo

apx-serial-ftgs delete_photos

apx-serial-ftgs get --sensitivity
apx-serial-ftgs set --sensitivity=3 --min_speed=20 --speeding=60


The auto-upload feature is used to automatically upload photos to DCT's server. In a future release we'll provide access to download the photos from DCT's server, if you're using Syruslang

Note that the photos captured by the fatigue sensor use the following format:


Where photo description can be any of the following:

  • fatigue_alarm: driver fatigue detected
  • fatigue_remind: driver fatigue reminder
  • fatigue_warning: driver fatigue warning
  • distraction: driver distracted
  • no_portrait: driver not detected
  • photo: regular photo captured with fatigue sensor


Fuel sensor mode for the serial port.

apx-serial-fs <command> [<option=value>]
set [OPTIONS]Use this command to configure the fueling threshold, consumption threshold, and consumption window.
status Use this command to consult the current sensor state.
versionReturns the tool version.
helpPrint help message.
uploadUse this command to upload the photos to the syrus4 server.
-f, --fuelling-thresholdThe threshold used for triggering the fueling signal.
-c, --consumption-thresholdThe threshold used for triggering the consumption signal. (Note that this threshold is based on the raw value reported by the Fuel Level Sensor - If the fuel level sensor was configured in deci-liters then you have to adjust the threshold accordingly)
-w, --consumption-windowThe time window in seconds used for evaluating the consumption behavior.
# Note that the threshold value depends on how the fuel sensor was configured
# If the output message of the sensor is in deci-liters then you have to adjust the threshold accordingly

# Set the consumption threshold to 100 deci-liters (10.0 liters) in 20seconds
apx-serial-fs set --consumption-threshold=100 --consumption-window=20

# Get the status of the fuel sensor
apx-serial-fs status


Did you know?

Multiple fuel sensors are supported via Serial Expander.

Max sensors supported: 3


  • APEX 24.19.1
  • syrus-serial ver. 0.6.2
  • SyrusJS 1.63.0
Multiple Fuel Sensors configure

To use multiple fuel sensors you need to set the serial RS232 mode in serial-expander.

apx-serial set --mode=serial_expander

After this, it is important that you configure the desired settings for each sensor like this:

# IMPORTANT: The value of --port indicates which port the sensor is connected to on the serial expander.
apx-serial-fs set --port-id=1 --consumption-threshold=100  --consumption-window=20 --fuelling-threshold=100
apx-serial-fs set --port-id=2 --consumption-threshold=80  --consumption-window=50 --fuelling-threshold=90
apx-serial-fs set --port-id=3 --consumption-threshold=100  --consumption-window=20 --fuelling-threshold=85

Additionally you can set an alias to each port/sensor.

# Max Alias length = 20 chars
apx-serial-fs set --port-id=1 --alias=left

By default the alias assigned are port1, port2, port3

Also you can check the current state of the configured sensors:

apx-serial-fs status
# For example:
    "port_id": 1,
    "alias": "port1",
    "state": "connected",
    "temperature": 24,
    "frequency": 2571,
    "level": 15,
    "timestamp": 1713981201,
    "consumption-threshold": 100,
    "consumption-window": 20,
    "fuelling-threshold": 80
    "port_id": 3,
    "alias": "back",
    "state": "disconnected",
    "temperature": 130,
    "frequency": 2556,
    "level": 19000,
    "timestamp": 1713982342,
    "consumption-threshold": 90,
    "consumption-window": 20,
    "fuelling-threshold": 90

For SyrusJS configuration please go to: Fuel Sensor Signals


Manages data coming into the serial port cables and creates data packets based on different user defined parameters.

apx-serial-mdt <command> [<option=value>]
state/statusUse this command to consult the current mode state.
send [OPTIONS]Use this command to send data through the serial port
set [OPTIONS]Use this command to configure the MDT mode.
--baudrateTransmission speed. Valid: 1200, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
--typeMessage type. Valid: 'x' for Hexadecimal or 'a' for ASCII
--timeoutTransmission timeout. Range 0-900s. Use 0 for ignoring this setting
--max_sizeMessage max size. Range 0-1024. Use 0 for ignoring this setting.
--headerMessage header. Up to 4 hexadecimal bytes. Use 0 for ignoring this setting.
--tailMessage tail. Up to 4 hexadecimal bytes. Use 0 for ignoring this setting.
--maskMessage mask. Up to 4 hexadecimal bytes. Use 0 for ignoring this setting.
--offsetThe number of positions since header for applying the mask. Range 0-1024. Use 0 for ignoring this setting.

Valid escape characters(only for ASCII Mode):

  • For ASCII: \n, \r, \t, \0, \1, \2, \a, \v, \f
  • For HEX: \00, \01, \02, \07, \09, \0a, \0b, \0c, \0d, \5c
  • For HEX: \x0, \x1, \x2, \x7, \x9, \xa, \xb, \xc, \xd, \5c
apx-serial-mdt state

apx-serial-mdt send --msg=AE01CFE45
apx-serial-mdt send --msg='hellow world'
apx-serial-mdt send --msg='worldtest\r\n'
apx-serial-mdt send --msg='world\5ctest\xd\xa'
apx-serial-mdt set --baudrate=115200 --type=x --timeout=10 --max_size=20 --header=0a --tail=0b --mask=01 --offset=5


Used to communicate with other serial capable modem devices/accessories like the Syrus Satcom and Sigfox Communicator.

apx-serial-modem <command> [<option=value>]
state/statusUse this command to consult the current mode state.
send [OPTIONS]Use --msg to send data through the serial port like >REV331852148....;ID=35...<
set [OPTIONS]Use --buffer_size to set the size of the serial modem buffer.
get [OPTIONS]Use --buffer_size to get the size of the serial modem buffer.
clear_bufferUse this command to clear the serial modem buffer.
-m --msgTo be used with the send command.
-b --buffer_sizeTo be used with the set/get commands.
apx-serial-modem state

apx-serial-modem clear_buffer
apx-serial-modem get --buffer_size
apx-serial-modem set --buffer_size=150
apx-serial-modem send --msg='>REV331852148....;ID=35...<'


RFID connected to serial port or any serial accessory that sends IDs in ASCII numeric format.

$ apx-serial-rfid <command> [<option=value>]
set [OPTIONS]Use this command to add an ID to the authorized list, change the alias of an existing ID, or configure the header and tail used to parse the serial stream received.
remove [OPTIONS]Use this command to remove an ID from the authorized list. Use --all for removing the complete list.
listUse this command to list the authorized list.
get [OPTIONS]Use --last to get the last ID read.
clear [OPTIONS]Use --last to clear the information about the last ID read.
versionReturns the tool version.
helpPrint this help.
-i, --idThe ID to be added or removed.
-a, --aliasThe alias to be associated with an ID.
--allTo be used with the remove command.
--lastTo be used with the get/clear commands.
--headerThis is the header used to parse the serial stream. Once the header is found, the application starts looking for the ID, and once the tail is reached, it publishes via redis the ID read.
--tailThis is the tail used to parse the serial stream. This option is the complement to the --header option.
# Set rfid 1234 to driver1
$ apx-serial-rfid set --id=1234 --alias=driver1

# Remove rfid 1234
$ apx-serial-rfid remove --id=1234

# Remove all rfid values
$ apx-serial-rfid remove --all

# Get last rfid value
$ apx-serial-rfid get --last

# Set header and tail to extract the ID when it comes between something like
# SomeDataHereRUN=12346&MoreDataHere
apx-serial-rfid set --header='RUN=' --tail='&'


Allows the user to have control over the serial port and send custom messages.

apx-serial-user <command> [<option=value>]
state/statusUse this command to consult the current mode state.
set [OPTIONS]Use this option to set the user mode configuration.
get[OPTIONS]Use this option to get the user mode configuration.
send [OPTIONS]Use this option to send messages through the serial port
--baudrateTransmission speed; To use with the set/get command. Valid: 1200, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
--msgMessage to be send; To use with the send command. Valid: Any string

Valid escape characters:

  • For ASCII: \n, \r, \t, \0, \1, \2, \a, \v, \f
  • For HEX: \00, \01, \02, \07, \09, \0a, \0b, \0c, \0d, \5c
  • For HEX: \x0, \x1, \x2, \x7, \x9, \xa, \xb, \xc, \xd, \5c
apx-serial-user state
apx-serial-user get --baudrate
apx-serial-user set --baudrate=115200
apx-serial-user send --msg='hello world'
apx-serial-user send --msg='worldtest\r\n'
apx-serial-user send --msg='world\5ctest\xd\xa'


Manages communication with the serial port and allows Syrus to respond and interact with the incoming messages.

apx-serial-cnsl <command> [<option=value>]
send[options]Use this command to send a message through the serial port.
set[options]Use this command to configure the console parameters.
get[options]Use this command to get the current value of the passed param.
--msgTo be used with the 'send' command.
--baudrateTransmission speed. To be used with 'set' or 'get' commands. Valid: 1200, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
$ apx-serial-cnsl send --msg='hello world'

$ apx-serial-cnsl set --baudrate=115200

$ apx-serial-cnsl get --baudrate


Manages the input serial interface of the device. You can only select between one of rs232, 1708, or rs485.

apx-serial-slctr <command> [<option=value>]
set [options]Use this command to change the serial selector.
versionReturns the tool version.
helpPrint this help.
--m, --modeValid modes are rs232, rs485 and 1708.
$ apx-serial-slctr set --mode=rs232


Manages the serial expander configuration.

apx-serial-exp <command> [<option=value>]
set [options]Use this command to change the ports operation mode.
state/statusReturns the current expander configuration.
--port1Expander port # 1
--port2Expander port # 2
--port3Expander port #3
fatigue_sensorUsed when an fatigue sensor device is connected.
fuel_sensorUsed when an fuel sensor device is connected.
flow_meterUsed when an flow meter device is connected.
consoleUsed for interact with the Syrus device through a serial terminal at 115200 8 n 1, using apex commands.
modemUsed when Satcom or Sigfox accessories are connected.
mdsm7Used when a MDSM7 device is connected
rfidUsed when an RFID device is connected.
userUsed when you want to leave the serial port free for your use.
mdtUsed for MDT data transmission.
$ apx-serial-exp set --port1=mdsm7 --port2=mdt


Consult the flow meter current state.

apx-serial-flw <command> [<option=value>]
state/statusReturns the current expander configuration.
apx-serial-flw status


Manages the MDSM7 options.

apx-serial-mdsm7 <command> [<option=value>]
statusReturns the current mdsm7 configuration.
listIt returns the list of the photos stored in the device memory.
capture_photoUse this command to capture a photo
delete_photosUse this command to delete all the photos stored.
apx-serial-mdsm7 status
apx-serial-mdsm7 list
apx-serial-mdsm7 capture_photo
apx-serial-mdsm7 delete_photos




This feature is only available since Apex 24.06.1 or the syrus-geofences package ver.1.2.9 and SyrusJS 1.59.7



This feature is not available to be used with the serial-expander.

  1. The MDAS9 must be configured to transmit via Serial FMS with a baud rate of 9600, see the image below and change Converter to 9600

  2. Syrus serial configuration

apx-serial set --mode=mdas9

Manages the MDAS9 options.

apx-serial-mdas9 <command>
helpShows the usage options of this tool.
statusReturns the current MDAS9 status.
listReturns the list of the last 25 events reported by the MDAS9.
lastReturns the last event reported by the MDAS9.
apx-serial-mdas9 status
apx-serial-mdas9 list
apx-serial-mdas9 last

Go to MDAS9 Syruslang, to see the Syruslang available signals and configurations.



Information about the system and it's resources.

$ apx-about


Apex package manager for installing and removing software packages.

 apx-core <command> [<option=value>]
listList the Apex Core packages installed.
updateDownloads the package list from the DCT repository. It gets the list of the newest packages with its dependencies and returns the list of the DCT packages available for updating.
upgradeUpgrade all Apex system packages to the stable versions.
recoverAllows to recover from broken packages when installing doesn't finish correctly. Use --level=1 as argument to fix the dpkg interrupted issue.
installInstall one or several packages at a time by providing their names.
Example: apx-core install --packages=[syrus-gps,syrus-ecu]
Example: apx-core install --packages=syrus-gps
removeRemoves a software package from apex system.
reinstallRemoves the software package and reinstall it.
add_dev_repoAdds the DCT developer repository to the package manager. It enables some linux packages to be installed. To get the list of the available packages, please consult
rm_dev_repoRemoves the DCT developer repository.
versionReturns the tool version.
helpPrints the help message.


# List dct-apex packages installed
apx-core list

# Install latest versions of syrus-gps and syrus-ecu packages
apx-core install syrus-gps syrus-ecu
apx-core install --packages=[syrus-gps,syrus-ecu]

# Install specific version of syrus-gps
apx-core install syrus-gps=1.0-r0.1

# Upgrade available packages.
apx-core upgrade


Use this tool to primarily manage data inside the EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory).

apx-eeprom [<command>] [--arguments]
readTakes one argument --key and it returns the key value pair if it exists.
writeTakes two arguments --key and --value. Will write the key value pair to the EEPROM. Since the EEPROM is of 32768 bytes, the keys are limited to 12 characters, and the value is limited to 50 characters.
This command will OVERWRITE a key if it already exists.
Only valid ASCII characters are allowed.
removeTakes one argument --key and it removes the key defined if it exists.
list_allTakes no arguments and it prints all of the valid key value pairs found inside the eeprom.
write[--key] [--value]


# write keys imei & foo with values into EEPROM
$ sudo apx-eeprom write --key=imei --value=867698040023056
$ sudo apx-eeprom write --key=foo --value=bar            

# read key called imei from EEPROM
$ sudo apx-eeprom read --key=imei

# list all key value pairs in eeprom
$ sudo apx-eeprom list_all


Tool that prepares an external storage device such as an SD card to be compatible with Apex OS.

 apx-ext-memory <command> [<args=value>]
format [OPTIONS]Prepares the external device in order it can be used by the operating system. Warning!, this process will erase all the data stored in this device.
status [OPTIONS]Returns a json object with general information about the state of the external memory selected with --type.
helpPrints this help.
versionReturn the local version.
-t, --typeThe type of external memory conneced (sd or usb)
-yUse this option to force the format without asking for confirmation.
-cUse this option to force the format when the memory is being used. This will cause the device to be restarted.


$ apx-ext-memory format --type=sd
$ apx-ext-memory status
$ apx-ext-memory status --type=sd


Tool that manages the device's LEDs.

$ apx-leds <command> <args=value>
set [OPTIONS]Use this command to change the system LED behavior
versionReturns this tool version.
helpPrint this help
-c, --colorValid colors are red, green, yellow, and blue.
-m, --modeValid modes are:
offColor led fully off. This option is not valid for red led
heartbeatColor led simulates a heart beat thump-thump-pause
one_short100ms on - 900ms off
two_short100ms on - 100ms off - 100ms on - 700ms off
one_long300ms on - 700ms off
two_long300ms on - 300ms off - 300ms on - 100ms off
low_freq500ms on - 500ms off
flash10ms on - 990ms off


LED Modes

Note that the LED mode is executed in sequential order, so the next activation of the mode happens after all other LEDs have been executed.

LED meaning


  • Heartbeat: APEX Running
  • Short blinking: Power saving mode


  • Long Blink: Searching for GSM
  • One Blink: Registered in GSM
  • Two blinks: Connected with active data session


  • Long Blink: Searching for GPS
  • One Blink: GPS low quality
  • Two blinks: GPS good quality


$ apx-leds set --color=blue --mode=low_freq


Tool for communicating with the SyrusCloud remote diagnostic application.

 apx-logger <level> <message>
**crit**Critical level message
**error**Error level message
**warn**Warning level message
**info**Info level message
**update**Update level message
**config**Configuration level message

These messages are sent to the syrus-cloud as soon as the network connection is ready.

messageThe message that is going to be sent to the syrus-cloud, enclosed in "quotes"


$ apx-logger info "This is an information message for the cloud, it will be queued"

$ apx-logger crit "This is a critical message for the cloud, it will be sent immediately"

$ apx-logger warn "file_not_found"

$ apx-logger error "file_not_found"


This tool lets you read and configure the log rotation mechanism.

apx-logrotate <command> [<args=value>]
statusReads the current log rotation configuration.
configureConfigure a new or modify a current log rotation.
removeRemove a log configuration.
forceForce log rotation for a specific log configuration.
versionReturns the tool version.
helpPrint this help.
-n, --nameTo select log rotation configuration, (--name=all) to select all at reading.
-p, --pathThe location of the file we want to rotate(--path=/route/to/file.log).
-s, --sizeThe minumum size of the file before compression and rotation (--size=200M) .
-r, --rotateThe total number of compressed files to keep in memory (--rotate=5).
-c, --compressIndicate if files most be compressed (--compress=true).
-f, --forceTo force the rotation based on the current configuration.


# To get all the log configurations:
$ apx-logrotate status --name=all

# To create or modify a log rotation configuration:
$ apx-logrotate configure --name=syrus_instance --path=/data/logs/syrus_instance-out.log

# To remove a log configuration:
$ apx-logrotate remove --name=syrus_instance

# To force rotation for testing:
$ apx-logrotate force --name=syrus_instance


Tool that updates the device's operating system. Careful when forcing the update of the OS over the air as it can consume a lot of data.

 apx-os-update <command> [<args=value>]
checkCheck if an update is available in the dctserver
start [OPTIONS]Start the OS update
versionReturns the tool version
statusReturn the status of the current update process
helpPrints the help message
-f, --forceUse this flag to force the update by using the mobile network.
-p, --pathThe path where the update file is located.


# Check if there's an update available or if there's one already in progress
$ apx-os-update check
{"mess":"Update available"}
# or 
{"mess":"Update in progress. This will take a few minutes"}

# Start an upgrade to the latest stable version (must be connected via wifi, otherwise use -f flag)
$ apx-os-update start

# Update from an SD card mounted on the device
$ apx-os-update start -f -p /media/mmcblk0p1/apex-22.44.2


Use this tool to update the firmware of EG915U modules. At the moment is only available for Syrus Lite Apex OS 24.07.1 and above.

apx-quectel update
updateBefore starting the update, the firmare file has to be downloaded in /data/users/syrus4g/ folder. Please contact DCT in order to get the latest version.


Tool to check general system information of the device, and reboot/restart it.

apx-system <command> [<args=value>]
aboutIt returns a json object with general information about the system.
rebootUse this option for rebooting/restarting the apex OS.
status[options]It returns the system status depending on the --from epoch received.
set[options]Use this option to configure some system settings.
synctimeUse this option to synchronize the system time with an external server.
flush [options]Use this option to flush the data related to the [OPTION] passed.
versionReturns the tool version.
helpPrints the help message.
--g, --default-gwThe ip address of the USB router connected to syrus. This is used to route the data traffic to the USB network interface.
--f, --fromThe reference used to return the system status.
--t, --timeUse this option to configure the system time when the automatic mechanism is not working due to a network failure.
--n, --nameThe system name to be configured. It is highly recommended to use a name that starts with syrus. Remember that the user session needs to be restarted in order for the change to be applied.
-r, --redis-dbThe redis instance used for custom applications.


#To get the complete system status:
$ apx-system status --from=0

#To get the system status since a reference time:
$ apx-system status --from=1599573699

#To change the system name:
$ apx-system set --name=syrus-home

#To flush data:
$ apx-system flush --redis-db


 apx-user <command> [<args=value>]
validate [OPTIONS]Use this command to validate the system user.
set-pass [OPTIONS]Use this command to change the user password
helpPrints the help message.
versionReturns the tool version.
-u, --userThe user name.
-p, --passThe user password.
-n,--new-passThe new user password.

Note that passwords must be between 6 to 63 characters long


$ apx-user validate --user=myuser --pass=mypass
$ apx-user set-pass --user=myuser --pass=mypass --new-pass=mynewpass


Used to manage the keep-alive messages with syrus cloud remote management interface.


$ apx-watcher <command> [<args=value>]
set [OPTIONS]Set the connection time and always on flag.
clean[OPTIONS]Use this command to close the MQTT connection and open a clean session. The only valid option for this command is --session
helpPrint this help.
statusReturns a json object with general information about the state of the syrus-watcher application.
-c, --conn_timeTime in minutes used for sending the keep alive message to the syrus cloud. The default value is 480 minutes = 8 hours. Use 0 for disabling the syrus-watcher task, if this task is disabled the device will not connect with the syrus-cloud.
-a, --always_onThe flag used to control the connection with syrus-cloud. 0: Disabled, 1: Enabled (Default)


# To change the keep-alive message with Syrus Cloud ( to every 10 minutes and disable always_on 
$ apx-watcher set --conn_time=10 --always_on=0

# to check the status of apx-watcher 
$ apx-watcher status

# Close the MQTT connection and open a clean session
$ apx-watcher clean --session


apx-uchip option
updateStarts the updating of the microcontroller that it is in charge of controlling peripherals and power-saving mode.
versionIt returns the current version of microcontroller application.
check-updateIt returns true/false depending if a new version is available for updating.


  apx-efs <command> [OPTION]=[value]
range [OPTION] Use this to consult the 'oldest'-'newest' events information.
oldest [OPTION]Use this to consult the 'oldest' event information.
newest [OPTION]Use this to consult the 'newest' event as json.
list [OPTION]Use this to consult the information of all events.
statusReturns the current supervised routes and their corresponding limits.
versionReturns the tool version.
helpPrint this help.
--date=<epoch>Add this option when you want to consult data from the backup, if this option isn't present the data about the current day, will be shown.
--destination=<mem>Add this option when you want to consult data from a specific memory location, same as config files. Valid destinations: sd, usb or internal
apx-efs range
apx-efs range --date=1602468795

apx-efs oldest
apx-efs oldest --date=1602468795

apx-efs newest
apx-efs newest --date=1602468795

apx-efs list
apx-efs list --date=1602468795


This tool lets you create and use the sqlite3 database

apx-db <command> [<args=value>]


createCreates a new database and table
read Reads from the database
writeWrites to the database
queryQuerys the database
delete Delete the specified table
version Returns the tool version
helpPrint this help


-db,--databaseDatabase path [string]
-tb, --tableTable name [string]
-t, --timestampTimestamp value to insert into table, this is a primary key [number]
-p, --payloadPayload value to insert into table [string]
-s, --fromTimestamp epoch date to start reading from the table [seconds miliseconds]
-e, --toTimestamp epoch date to end reading from the table [seconds miliseconds]
-f, --forceTo force the delete
# Create a new database and table
$ apx-db create --database=blackbox.db --table=table_name

# Reads from the database
$ apx-db read --database=blackbox.db --table=table_name --from=1707752556270  --to=1707762556270

# Writes to the database
$ apx-db write --database=blackbox.db --table=table_name --timestamp=1707752556270 --payload='Some payload here'



Tool that's used to manage tracking criterias' on the device. The tracking notification will trigger whenever any one of the criteria is met. Heading and distance notifications depend on valid GPS.

Create or edit a tracking criteria

 apx-tracking <command> [<options>]


set [options]Command to add or edit the tracking criteria
get namespaceCommand to consult a tracking criteria
getallIt returns a list with all the tracking criteria configured
delete namespaceCommand to delete the tracking criteria
versionReturns the tool version
helpPrint this help


-n --namespaceThe name used as a reference to identify the tracking criteria. Max 60 characters.
-h --headingThe heading delta threshold for triggering notifications based on heading changes. Use 0 to disable. Range (0-180)
-t --timeThe time limit in seconds for triggering tracking notifications. Use 0 to disable. Range (0-86400)
-d --distanceThe distance threshold in meters for triggering tracking notifications based on the traveled distance. Use 0 to disable. Range (0-100000)
-p --paccThis is optional and can be used to set a positive acceleration threshold in kph/s or mph*s
-o --naccThis is optional and can be used to set a negative acceleration threshold in -kph/s or mph*s


# To set a tracking criteria for triggering notifications every 45 deg, 5 min or 100 meters
$ apx-tracking set --namespace=test --heading=45 --time=300 --distance=100

# To set a tracking criteria for triggering notifications every 20°, or 120 seconds, or +10 kph/s, or -8 kph/s
$ apx-tracking set --namespace=test --heading=20 --time=120 --pacc=10 --nacc=-8

# To set a tracking criteria for triggering notifications every 20°, or 120 seconds, or +10 mph/s, or -8 mph/s
$ apx-tracking set --namespace=test --heading=20 --time=120 --pacc=10mphs --nacc=-8mphs

# Return test tracking criterias configured
$ apx-tracking get test

# Delete test tracking criteria
$ apx-tracking delete test

Time Windows

This tool allows you to read and configure time windows, which trigger can be used programatically with Syruslang to trigger actions and events based on a specific time of day.

 apx-time-window <command> [<args=value>]


status [options]Reads a current time window state and configuration.
set [options]Configure or modify a time window.
remove [options]Remove a time window configuration.
versionReturns the tool version.
helpPrint this help.


-n, --nameThe name of the desired window.
-f, --fromTime window start time. Format hh:mm:ss
-t, --toTime window end time. Format hh:mm:ss
-d, --daysActive days of the week denoted by an array of 0 or 1 from Sunday to Saturday (1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
-s, --startThe starting day for the time window (01/01/2022)
-f, --endThe ending day for the time window (31/12/2022)


# To get all the windows configurations:
$ apx-time-window status --name=all

# To create or modify a window configuration:
$ apx-time-window set --name=syrus_instance --from=13:00:00 --to=14:00:00
$ apx-time-window set --name=syrus_instance --from=13:00:00 --to=14:00:00 --days=0,1,1,1,1,1,0
$ apx-time-window set --name=syrus_instance --from=13:00:00 --to=20:00:00 --start=01/01/2022 --end=31/12/2022 --days=0,1,1,1,1,1,0

# To remove a window configuration:
$ apx-time-window remove --name=syrus_instance


This tool configures the actions to be carried out in the processing of video files.


 apx-video <command> [<args=value>]
set [OPTIONS]Set the general configuration. (destination, reserved space, audio, mac, and id)
get [OPTIONS]Get the general configuration. (mac and version)
remove [OPTIONS]Remove unused files and/or a camera from the configuration file.
add_camera [OPTIONS]Add a new camera to the configuration file.
record [OPTIONS]Start or stop the video recording for a specified camera/cameras stored in the configuration file.
stream [OPTIONS]Start or stop the video streaming for a specified camera/cameras stored in the configuration file.
create_clip [OPTIONS]Find the video files from history location in a specified time window for one camera or all. Cameras stored in the configuration file and creates a video clip.
create_snapshot [OPTIONS]Use the incoming data from RTSP or a clip file to take a snapshot for the cameras stored in the config file.
update_list [OPTIONS]Shows the event clips information merge with (timeline or history tree) as json
clip_status [OPTIONS]Returns the state of the last 25 clips processed.
snapshot_status [OPTIONS]Returns the state of the stored snapshot or the state of one selected.
cipia_config [OPTIONS]Modify the configuration files of Cipia
timeline [OPTIONS]Get history timeline information per camera in a max range of one day (24 hours).
restart [OPTIONS]Restart the core application of the chosen module.
statusShows the status of the cameras stored in the config file, the values associated with the memory space are given in MB.
versionShows the actual version of the apx-video tool.
always_recording [OPTIONS]Set always run video record at the start of the application.
set[--destination=<value>] [--reserved_percentage=<value>] [--camera=<value>] [--audio=<value>] [--mac=<value>] [--id=<value>] [--device=<value>]
get[--device=<value>] [--mac=<value>] [--version=<value>]
add_camera[--type=<value>] [--camera_name=<value>] [--ip=<value>] [--port=<value>] [--user=<value>] [--pass=<value>] [--resolution=<value>] [--audio=<value>] [--uri=<value>]
remove[--type=<value>] [--camera=<value>] [--delete_files]
record[--status=<value>] [--camera=<value>]
stream[--status=<value>] [--camera=<value>] [--host=<value>] [--video_port=<value>] [--audio_port=<value>] [--timeout=<value>]
create_clip[--name=<value>] [--camera=<value>] [--time_win=<value>] [--from=<value>] [--to=<value>]
create_snapshot[--name=<value>] [--camera=<value>] [--clip=<value>]
clip_status[--camera=<value>] [--name=<value>]
update_list[--since=<value>] [--from=<value>] [--to=<value>] [--include_history]
timeline[--from=<value>] [--to=<value>] [--camera=<value>]
[destination]Micro-sd card -> sd, USB device -> usb, Internal memory -> internal
[reserved_percentage]Reserved space in memory defined in megabytes. e.g --reserved_percentage=5000 (5000 Mb or 5Gb)
[type]Type of camera you work with. IP ONVIF camera -> onvif, Dashcam -> dashcam, Movon MDSM-7 Camera -> mdsm7
[resolution]Preferred resolution in the output videos. 1080p -> FHD, 720p -> HD, 480p -> SD. Default resolution HD -> 720p.
[audio]Set to true to record audio (must be enabled on the camera). --audio=true or false
[time_win]Time before and after to create a video clip, -time_backward,+time_forward in seconds. e.g --time_win=-60,+30. -60sec = 60 seconds before, +30sec = 30 seconds after. (Max ranges: time_backward = 60sec, time_forward=30sec)
[always_recording]Set to true to enable always ON video recording at the start of the application. --status=true or false. Default true.
[from] [to]Epoch timestamp to retrieve video from timeline ranges. Max range between --from and --to is 24 hours
[module]Network device manager ndm or video
[timeout]Duration in seconds of the streaming. e.g --timeout=120
[codec]Video codec h264 or h265


Always recording

The always_recording flag is true by default. To disable it you need to set the --status=false



# Set the destination of video recording to an SD card mounted on the Syrus4 with a max % of 100
$ sudo apx-video set --destination=sd --reserved_percentage=100

# Disable the audio of the camera called: driver cam
$ apx-video set --camera=driver_cam --audio=false 

# Set the Cipia MAC address & ID
$ apx-video set --device=cipia_fs10 --mac=A4:04:50:3C:BD:7C --id=E321290376

# Get Cipia MAC address
$ apx-video get --device=cipia_fs10 --mac

# Get Cipia FW version
$ apx-video get --device=cipia_fs10 --version

# Add an ONVIF IP camera
$ sudo apx-video add_camera --type=onvif --camera_name=cam_1 --ip= --user=admin --pass=admin --resolution=FHD --audio=true

# Add a Movon MDSM-7 fatigue sensor camera
$ sudo apx-video add_camera --type=mdsm7 --ip= --port=6564

# Add a Cipia fatigue sensor camera
$ sudo apx-video add_camera --type=cipia --host_address=

# Add a Dashcam
$ sudo apx-video add_camera --type=dashcam --camera_name=dashcam_1 --ip= --user=admin --pass=admin --resolution=FHD --audio=true

# Add a Dashcam with live stream
$ sudo apx-video add_camera --type=dashcam --camera_name=dashcam_2 --uri=rtsp://USERNAME:[email protected]/ch1/sub/video

# Remove back camera from configuration and delete video files
$ sudo apx-video rm_camera --camera=back_cam --delete_files

# Remove Movon MDSM-7 fatigue camera (keeps files)
$ sudo apx-video rm_camera --type=mdsm7

# Start recording on all cameras
$ sudo apx-video record --status=start

# Stop recording for a particular camera
$ sudo apx-video record --status=stop --camera=front_cam

# Create a video clip on all cameras called '1632141204_crash' for the last 60 seconds and next 30 seconds
$ sudo apx-video create_clip --name=1632141204_crash --time_win=-60,+30

# Create a video clip called '1632141204_crash' for the last 60 seconds
$ sudo apx-video create_clip --name=1632141204_crash --camera=back_cam --time_win=-60

# Create a video clip from all cameras with a from and to date (see timeline to view the available video ranges)
$ sudo apx-video create_clip --name=1632141204-crash --from=1632111204 --to=1632121204

# View the clip status for camera 'front_cam'
$ sudo apx-video clip_status --camera=front_cam

# View the clip status for a particular video clip
$ sudo apx-video clip_status --name=1632141204-crash

$ sudo apx-video stream --status=start --camera=cam_1 --video_port=5006 --audio_port=5007 --timeout=120  --stream_id=817919789179
$ sudo apx-video stream --status=stop

# Set always recording to true
$ sudo apx-video always_recording --status=true

# Get a timeline of the available videos to retrieve a video clip from
$ sudo apx-video timeline --from=1632141204 --to=1632142204

# Get a timeline for a particular camera
$ sudo apx-video timeline --from=1632141204 --to=1632142204 --camera=my_cam
    "type": "onvif",
    "name": "front_door",
    "range": [
    "ranges": [
    "type": "onvif",
    "name": "rear_door",
    "range": [
    "ranges": []

# Update video list since a particular time
$ sudo apx-video update_list --since=164894646

# Update video list from a time range and include history
$ sudo apx-video update_list --include_history --from=164894646 --to=1648978486

# Restart the net device manager module (handles driver fatigue camera mdsm-7 for example)
$ sudo apx-video restart --module=ndm

# Restart the video module
$ sudo apx-video restart --module=video

# Status of the cameras
$ sudo apx-video status
    destination: "sd",
    reserved_space: 97540,
    n_cams: 2,
            name: "CAM1",
            state: 3
            name: "CAM2",
            state: 3

# Modify Cipia config file, note that the settings are set with a flattened key and value inside a json object
# it's recommended to send this as a script via Syrus Cloud
$ sudo apx-video cipia_config --object='{"WifiSettings.SSID":"hotspotlab","WifiSettings.Password":"123456","EventsSettings.DriverDistracted.ReportImage":false}'

# Change video codec to h265 when configuring the camera
$ sudo apx-video add_camera --type=onvif --camera_name=cam_1 --ip= --user=admin --pass=admin --codec=H265 --audio=true

# Get video tool version
$ sudo apx-video version



Tool to manage the Cipia FS10 device.

  Version:   0.0.1
                apx-ndm-cipia -- This tool controls the actions of the NDM application in its cipia sub-module.
                apx-ndm-cipia <command> [--<option>=<value>]

    configure              - configures the cipia device based on config files.
    status                 - returns the Cipia current status.
    set                    - stores Cipia MAC and ID or modify a setting in the config file.
    get                    - get Cipia version or MAC and ID stored.
    remove                 - remove stored MAC and ID.
    update                 - request the Cipia update

               [--mac=<value>] [--id=<value>]

    mac:      A4:04:50:3C:BD:7C or a404503cbc7c

    apx-ndm-cipia configure

    # set MAC and Cipia ID
    apx-ndm-cipia set --mac=a404503cbd7c --id=E321290376
    # update parameters from the configuration file
    apx-ndm-cipia set --parameter='{"WifiSettings.SSID":"hotspotlab","WifiSettings.Password":"123456","EventsSettings.DriverDistracted.ReportImage":false}'
    # save the changes with configure command
    apx-ndm-cipia configure

    apx-ndm-cipia get --mac
    apx-ndm-cipia get --id
    apx-ndm-cipia get --firmware_version
    apx-ndm-cipia get --core_version
    apx-ndm-cipia get --tool_version

    apx-ndm-cipia status

    apx-ndm-cipia remove --mac

    apx-ndm-cipia update



Tool to manage the wifi bluetooth module. Turning it off can help conserve power.

 sudo apx-wl-pwr [action]
onPower on the wl1835 MOD
offPower off the wl1835 MOD. WL1835 is a non-removable device, so it cannot be turned off. This option was preserved for compatibility issues


# Power on wifi/bluetooth module
$ sudo apx-wl-pwr on


Manages the hotspot functionality on the device. Allows you to configure the SSID and password when enabling the hotspot. The password is protected with WPA2-PSK security.

apx-hotspot <command> [<args=value>]
startIt starts the udhcpd and hostapd services used by hotspot app
stopIt stops the hotspot services
restartUse this option for restarting the hotspot service.
listIt returns the list of the connected clients to the hotspot
statusIt returns a json response with the current state of the hotspot.
set [OPTIONS]Use this option for configuring the hotspot service.
versionReturns the tool version.
helpPrints this help message
routeUse this option for forwarding the wlan traffic to another interface, it allows you to have internet access by specifying the output interface, available values: ppp0, eth0
ssidUse this option for changing the network identifier
passUse this option for changing the hotspot password (minimum of 8 characters)
countryUse this option for changing the country_code (2-letter ISO Code)
fallbackOnly for internal use.


IP address ranges

Note that the range of IP addresses that the hotspot assigns is from: a

If you require working with static IP addresses you can use from a


$ sudo apx-hotspot start
$ sudo apx-hotspot stop

# To list the client devices connected to the hotspot:
$ sudo apx-hotspot list

$ sudo apx-hotspot set --ssid=mynet --pass=mypass --route=eth0


Tool to manage the wifi interface of the device. Allows you to connect to a wireless network.

 sudo apx-wifi <command> [<args=value>]
startIt enables the WIFI interface and starts the service for connecting with preconfigured networks
stopIt stops the WIFI service and disables the interface
restartIt executes a stop-start in the same call
listIt returns the list of networks configured
statusIt returns a json response with the current state of the wifi service
scanIt starts a WIFI scan and returns a list of SSIDs
add [OPTIONS]Use this option to add a new network to the wifi configuration file.
remove [OPTIONS]Use this option to remove a network from the wifi configuration file.
set [OPTIONS]Use this option for configuring the wireless interface.
connect [OPTIONS]Use this option to connect to a previously configured network.
versionReturns the tool version
helpPrints this help message
-i, --ipUse this option for changing the interface IP address and mask.
-g, --gatewayUse this option for changing the gateway address.
-d, --dnsUse this option for changing the dns address.
-f, --defaultBy using this option the wireless IP address is assigned by the network.
-s, --ssidThe network identifier.
-p, --passThe network password.
-w, --priorityBy default is 0, set higher priority to prioritize as per you need.
-n, --hiddenUse this flag if the wifi network is hidden


# To scan the WIFI network and get the list of SSIDs:
$ apx-wifi scan

# Connect to a previously configured network
$ apx-wifi connect --ssid=mynet

# To add a new network to the configuration file:
$ apx-wifi add --ssid=mynet --pass=mypass --priority=5

# Add a hidden network
$ apx-wifi add --ssid=mynet --pass=mypass --priority=5 --hidden

# To remove a network from the configuration file:
$ apx-wifi remove --ssid=mynet

# To have the wireless IP assigned by the network 
$ apx-wifi set --default

# Set the parameters of the wireless interface
$ apx-wifi set --ip= --gateway= --dns=

# Wi-Fi state
$ apx-wifi status